SAP Business Technology Platform

SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) brings together data and analytics, artificial intelligence, application development, automation, and integration in one, unified environment.

Getting Started
SAP Sapphire 2024

SAP Sapphire 2024

SAP Sapphire 2024 was all about AI. Explore the resources below to learn more about SAP BTP's key role in SAP's transformation to integrate business AI into its enterprise solutions.

Announcement overview: Press Release | News Guide

Keynotes: Opening | Innovation | Customer Success

SAP TechEd 2023

SAP TechEd 2023

At SAP TechEd 2023, a range of generative AI capabilities and advancements were announced to provide developers of all skill levels with the ability to power their businesses in the age of AI.

Announcement overview: Press Release | News Guide

Keynotes: Executive | Business Application | Developer

Resources for IT Leaders

Resources for IT Leaders

SAP BTP Solution Guide illustrates how SAP BTP accelerates cross-functional innovation to unlock business potential.

Read customer stories to learn from the experiences and insights of customers, partners, and thought leaders in overcoming business challenges with SAP BTP.

Resources for Developers

Resources for Developers

SAP BTP Guidance Framework provides a central access point to build and run enterprise-grade solutions on SAP BTP. For example, SAP BTP Developer’s Guide helps to implement business applications on SAP BTP.

SAP Developer Center offers free tutorials, trials, and official SAP help documentation for SAP developers.

SAP Business Accelerator Hub provides a single access point to pre-built integrations, APIs, events, and more.

SAP CodeJams are hands-on events focused on the developer community where you can try out specific SAP technologies, platforms, and tools through simple, end-to-end scenarios. Explore the reasons to attend.

Resources for Architects

Resources for Architects

SAP BTP Guidance Framework provides a central access point to build and run enterprise-grade solutions on SAP BTP.

SAP BTP Onboarding Resource Centre gives an overview of SAP BTP and its capabilities.

SAP Discovery Center presents missions, reference architectures, and services to explore how SAP BTP turns data into business value.

BTP Solution Diagram Repository offers templates for developing high-quality diagrams that illustrate the architecture and elements of a solution developed using SAP BTP.

SAP Enterprise Architecture Group is the place to exchange ideas about enterprise architecture frameworks, tools, strategy, and related topics.