SAP Sales Cloud FAQ
In this SAP Cloud for Customer – SAP Sales Cloud FAQ you will find answers for these topics: Lead Management, Opportunity Management, Sales Quote, Sales Order.
Lead Management
There are two possible reasons for the error to come up:
A. You are not able to create migrate converted, accepted, and declined leads. The system will
display the message “service call failed, report an incident”.
B. When you try to create a new lead via migration tool (same as in lead UI Quick Create), you
should not enter a ‘status’ value that is not supported for the initial creation
In case you convert a lead to an account or contact, the lead will change the “status” to converted, that means no further actions can be done within this lead. If the business requirement is to maintain the “status” of the lead open, an approach would be to associate, then the system would keep the leads open for any change.
You can define inside Business configuration in the activity Leads, how many opportunities can be converted into the same.
Lead creates the customer from using 'Associate Customer and Contact'. SAP Cloud for Customer will not take the owner from a Lead to an Account. The reason behind this is that we do not presume the lead owner will be the same as the account owner.
A workaround can be done via workflow rule, the same is step by step below:
• Administration > Workflow Rules.
• BO: Accounts.
• Timing: on Every Save.
• Conditions: ‘You can leave this blank.
• Actions: Rule Type should be “Action”.
• Action: ‘Assign Me as Owner’ for BO Accounts.
The field is normally grayed out once you set the flag “Forbid manual changes” is selected in the business configuration. Please check in the following steps:
• Go to the Business configuration.
• Open activity leads.
• Search for Leads.
• Involved parties.
• Open it.
• Check if the forbid flag is marked.
The error message appears in case you haven’t scoped the leads in the system, this should be scoped for the error message to disappear. The steps can be checked below
• Go to the Business Configuration work center.
• Go to the Implementation Projects view.
• Select the project and choose Edit Project Scope.
• Expand Sales under Scoping.
• Select/Scope Lead Management -> Finish the scoping.
Please note that the system reads the rules from top to bottom, so in case the rules match on rule 1, it will not go to rule 2 for example. Make your rules clear as much as possible, so the system will understand and define per your business.
The system will not allow you to delete a custom status from the business configuration while you have data being consumed, this is because you have subsequent documents that consume the same data. Depending on the status of each data, you can remove them directly from the UI using the cogwheel and then the business configuration will allow you to remove a custom status.
SAP Cloud for Customer allows you to define which involved party you do want to exclude from an inbound integration scenario, the configuration can be found in the following steps:
• Go to Business configuration
• Implementation projects
• Open activity list
• Search for Leads
• Click on Involved parties
• Check the inbound integration Colum
There is a job that runs in the system every 8 minutes, in case you have created new tasks and you don’t want to wait, inside the lead there is an option refresh from the activity plan, this will make the system to assign those tasks.
This is the current system behavior of SAP Cloud for Customer; the synchronization will not bring the notes fields to offline as it is not enabled. This field can be changed only when working Online.
Associate Account and Contact allows you to convert the lead without changing its status so you can continue working in the original lead.
When you convert a lead, the lead status will change to Converted, which indicates the lead has reached its end of lifecycle and no more modifications will be allowed to the lead record. If you want to keep working in the original lead, you can use Associate Account and Contact instead of Convert to Account and Contact so the lead status remains. Any further changes done in the lead will not affect the account and contact.
The same logic applies when you Associate Individual Customer.
You can use the Refresh from Activity Plan action in a lead to obtaining tasks or surveys that are predefined by your administrators and assigned to your leads.
Although your administrators may have configured workflow rules to assign activity plans automatically, such assignments only take place upon specific triggers. As users, you can also trigger routing for activity plans on demand to acquire relevant tasks or surverys right away.
Opportunity Management
In order to make the forecast working, please make sure inside an opportunity you have set the following
➢ Publish to Forecast: this flag needs to be checked in the opportunity;
➢ Owner: ONLY if you are the owner, the opportunity;
➢ Sales Unit: this should match the forecast sales unit, only then will the system pulled it up - this
needs to be linked to the owner;
➢ Time Period: start and end-date of the opportunity need to match the forecast period.
The revenue split of an opportunity can be split by the sales team; however, a BC question needs to be
marked, please check the question below:
BC Question: Do you want to split revenue between sales employees
This is the system behavior, in case you have modified the deal, for example, you will need to create a new Revenue split to make the data consistent, however, they are PSM released so you can enhance it from your side.
As administrators, you can in general restrict access to data records that do not contain any access relevant content. In doing so, homeless opportunities will not be visible to business users with restricted access to opportunities.
Go Business Configuration -> Implementation Projects -> Your Project -> Edit Project Scope -> Questions ->Built-in Services and Support -> System Management -> User and Access Management to find the corresponding scoping question.
If you have also enabled Compatibility mode for Access Context 1015 following the path above, opportunities that contain applicable sales area data but have no territories or parties assigned will also be accessible to business users with restricted access to opportunities.
Even after modifying access for a user, please make sure to do a dummy change in the object you don’t them to see anymore, this will allow the system to retrigger the determination access context and remove it from the list
Buying center will help you understand the relationship within the partners involved in the buying
process. To make it available in the system, you need to decide what type of relationship you would like
to have.
Formal relationship: the question will be “Do you want to enable buying center based on buying center
Informal relationships> Do you want to enable buying center based on a Business Partner relationship?
The system will not allow you to delete a custom status from the business configuration while you have data being consumed, this is because you have subsequent documents that consume the same data. Depending on the status, you can remove the object directly from the cogwheel and delete it.
SAP Cloud for Customer allows you to define which involved party you do want to exclude from an
inbound integration scenario as well as from realignment run, the configuration can be found in the
following steps:
• Go to Business configuration.
• Implementation projects.
• Open activity list.
• Search for Opportunities.
• Click on Involved parties.
• Check the inbound integration column.
SAP Cloud for Customer will show to the user in the filter all the opportunities they are the owner plus the ones the user is assigned as a sales employee.
The probability will stop if the user is defined manually in an opportunity, for example, the system will not retrigger the probability in case a manual change is done.
There are two selections while working with approvals:
➢ Approved
➢ Send back for revision
You can have a reject button via PDI implementation, or as an alternative, you can use Language adaptation to change the label to reject instead of sending it back for revision.
My Opportunities query displays all the opportunities that you are assigned as a party, not only the ones that you own.
If an opportunity has met approval conditions yet cannot be submitted for approval, administrators can check whether approvers are properly defined in the Approval Process or if approval submission is allowed for the applicable custom status that the opportunity resides in.
Sales Quote
Note: If quote approval is required the submit action will first trigger the approval notification. After final approval, the output will be triggered automatically based on the defined output settings.
You can attach documents on the product (item) and on the header level. If the attachments should be part of the output, you need to select the relevant attachments in the output settings. With the submit action the output will be triggered. In the Output facet, you will find the history of submitted sales quotes including the attachments. Note: Documents attached via the Library cannot be selected in the output settings (this is a valid requirement for a future release).
Fine-tuning activity “Date Profiles” provides configuration for Requested Date and Validity.
Field Date refers to the creation date of the quote. The date is part of the output, and the date is considered for sales quote volume reporting. The Date field also derives the Pricing Date. Pricing Date can also be copied from Requested Date based on fine-tuning activity “Document Types” for sales quotes.
Note: The Pricing Date for standard document types always gets copied if a quote is created as a copy or follow-up.
For Z-document types (custom created) you can maintain BC settings to have the current date in your copy. Go to the Business Configuration -> search and open the Sales Quotes/ Sales Orders activity -> select Maintain Document Types -> in the column Pricing Date, change the settings as needed for your Z-document types - for example: '(Current) Date included in Copy'.
Quotes that are won or lost put the quote status to completed. If the quote is successful and accepted by the customer, you can either use the action “Create External Follow-up Document” to create a follow-up sales order in ERP or create a follow-up sales order directly in C4C. Once the follow-up sales order is created in ERP the confirmation message from ERP turns the quote to Progress Won and turns the Status from In Process to Completed. You can also trigger manually the action “Set as Won”, if a sales order cannot be connected to the quote. This changes Progress to Won and Status to Completed as well. Canceling a complete quote will also put the quote to Completed.
In case a quote should be cancelled you need to set a “Reason for Rejection”. Either enter the reason directly into the field “Reason for Rejection” or use the action “Set to Lost”. This will lead to progress status Lost. You can also maintain a specific reason for rejection on the product level for a particular sales quote. Cancelling a complete quote will also lead to a completed sales quote. If not all items are cancelled in the quote, quote status changes to In Process.
Note: To define reasons for rejection you need to customize the fine-tuning activity “Reasons for Rejection”.
Once a quote was submitted to a customer, you cannot delete the item anymore. In this case, you need to set the Reason for Rejection on the item level.
You can delete quotes, if the quote was not yet submitted to a customer or submitted to a manager for approval, and if no follow-up document, such as an activity, for the sales quote exists. You can delete the quote via action “Delete” in the object worklist.
Use fine-tuning activity for Accounts in order to configure the terms. The terms have defaulted from the corresponding sales data of the account to the quote.
Firstly you need to add this to the scope of your business configuration. The related scoping question can be found under business package Sales in business area New Business. With this activation the approval process becomes active. Secondly, you need to define the details of the approval process in regards to the approval conditions and work distribution. This you need to define in work center Administrator view Approval Processes.
Note: Always one approval process needs to be active. To define an approval process it is required to copy the default approval process initially and adapt the approval validity whereby one process requires unlimited validity.
You can use AdobeLifeCycleDesigner or EasyFormEditor to adapt the sales quote output form. You need to navigate to work center Administrator and open view Form Template Maintenance. In case of general changes on the output form you can adapt the master template via view Master Template Maintenance.
You can enter internal and external notes. This is valid on product and on the header level. Notes maintained as external notes will automatically be part of the printout standard form. Sales notes (sales org. and distribution channel dependent) maintained in product master will be copied to the external product note of the sales quote automatically. Alternatively, you can use extension fields.
You can use text items that allow you to define sub-items. If you only enter a product description in its corresponding field without adding a product ID the item is treated as a text item. Item number is editable or use in addition item action “Renumber” to change the order of the product lines.
1. Sys Currency will be copied from the account’s sales data if it exists. Only if the combination between Sales Organization and Distribution Channel and Division maintained in Sales data is the same with quote's Sales org, distribution channel, division, then the Currency from Sales Data can be determined.
For example: under the Sales Data tab of the account, Sales Org is A, Distribution Channel is B, Division is C.
Then in new created sales quote, Sales org is determined as A, Distribution Channel is D, Division is empty. In this case, the currency maintained in the account's sales data will not be determined as the combination is not matching.
2. Otherwise system checks on the currency maintained in the org. model for the corresponding sales organization of the quote.
3. If the currency is also not maintained in the organization, it will be derived from the Sale's Org's parent Company.
Note: The currency (hidden field) can be changed in the quote itself. Please assure that “Exchange Rates for Currencies” are part of master data then.
Navigate to work center Administrator view Output Channel Selection or view Form Template Selection.
The selling company basically derives from the sales unit maintained in the quote. It can be viewed and changed via the Involved Parties facet.
How can I create a follow-up document from a quote?
In order to create a follow-up sales order in ERP choose the header action: Create External Follow-up Document. In order to create a follow-up document, such as a sales quote or activity, select the related facet/view in the detail view of the sales quote and press New.
Internal pricing only supports net pricing. External pricing derives the full tax calculation from the external SAP ERP/CRM system.
Navigate to fine-tuning activity “Configure Pricing Strategy”. Here you can rename the price component descriptions for “Quality Loss Fee” on the product level and “Restocking Fee” on the header level. Both can be used as price components to represent a fixed discount. The renaming of the price components will also be considered in the output for the sales quote.
Note: You can add existing price components and rename the price components on the pricing facet itself on the product level (not header conditions) for each quote.
You can use the migration template offered in the business configuration for updating and creating of internal price list/discount list.
The system allows you to manually add costs for a product on the Pricing facet. You need to select the product and choose “Add Row” and select the price component “Cost Estimate”.
Note: You can only calculate the profit margin if you scope this in the business configuration through business package: General Business Data and business area Product and Service Pricing. Here you need to select Price Specifications in order to select profit margin calculation in the question section. Additionally, check fine-tuning activity “Configure Pricing Strategy” to enable the display of the profit margin in the document.
Using external pricing allows you to view costs and profit margins fully based on the external SAP ERP/CRM pricing result.
- Sales Quote ID
- Description
- External Reference
- Product ID
- Party ID (for all parties)
- Party FormattedName (for all parties)
- Primary Contact ID
- External Sales Quote ID
- Not Relevant – initial status.
- Pending – quote has been submitted to a customer (implies that submitted quote items cannot be deleted). In the case of bi-directional replication, the quote turns to pending, once the quote is transferred to ERP.
- Won – quote has at least one referenced sales order (C4C or ERP) or was manually Set As Won via user action.
- Lost – all quote items are completely cancelled; action Set as Lost via user action was triggered or Reason for Rejection on header has been set directly.
- Open – quote has been initially being created.
- In Process – an item in the quote has been canceled; or at least one item is referenced to a sales order (C4C or ERP (bi-directional replication); or action Create External Follow-up Document has been triggered.
- Completed – all items are referenced to a C4C sales order, or the quote was set to won or set to lost (reason for rejection set on the header). In the case of bi-directional replication, status Completed will be set based on ERP logic. In case Create External Follow-up Document has been created the quote turns to Complete if one follow-up Sales Order in ERP has been created.
- Not Started – initial status.
- In Process – status is corresponding to Partially Referenced in ERP. Some items are referenced to a sales order.
- Finished – all items are referenced to a sales order.
- Not Relevant – refers to a text item (Item Status).
- Interrupted – not applicable.
- Not Cancelled – no reason for rejection is set.
- Canceled – complete quote is cancelled for header status; item is cancelled for item status.
- Partially Cancelled – at least one item is cancelled (reason for rejection is set on item level), status is not applicable on item level.
- Not Started – initial status if quote is created in C4C.
- In Process – a replication message has been triggered to the external ERP system. The C4C sales quote becomes read only. If no confirmation message is received by the C4C system, message monitoring will be required to analyze the root cause. Transfer Logs facet allows to revoke (the replication of) the sales quote. Revoking allows changing the C4C quote again in order to correct the data (causing the message to fail) and to replicate it again.
- Finished – transfer completed (confirmation message from OnPrem system successfully returned to C4C).
- Interrupted – transfer interrupted due to an error in the external system. Error information provided by the external system is displayed on the Transfer Logs facet. Sales quote is editable and can be processed once the error is resolved.
- Not Relevant – not applicable.
- Not Started – Initial status, note: Approval Status changes to Not Started once an Approved/In Revision quote gets modified. Note, this is not valid for Document Types that refer to bi-directional replication. An approved quote will be submitted automatically to ERP once the quote is approved. If the quote has been created in ERP, no Approval Status shows up in C4C.
- Approval Not Necessary – quote has been submitted and approval conditions are not met.
- In Approval – quote action submit has been triggered and approval conditions are reached to start the approval process. Quote becomes non-editable, besides of Approval Note.
- Approved – quote has been approved by the respective manager(s). Note, the approval submits the quote automatically based on the defaulted output settings. In case bi-directional replication the approval will trigger the submit to ERP automatically.
- Revision – quote has been sent back for revision by a respective manager.
- Rejected – status is not applicable, if quote is rejected it needs to be Send back for Revision.
- Withdrawn – via user action the submit has been revoked for an approval relevant quote.
- Limit Exceeded
- Limit not Exceeded
- Manually
- Check Pending
- Not relevant
Sales Order
This is because the Maintenance mode of the document type is not maintained as “INTERNAL ONLY” for the prices to be picked from the Price List.
a. Go to Business Configuration work center
b. Go to Implementation Projects view.
c. Open Activity Lists.
d. Fine Tune.
e. Activity >> Sales Orders.
f. Maintain Document type.
If the Maintenance mode of the document type is maintained “External or Internal” then the status will be updated only after the order is transferred to the external ERP/CRM system. However, for document type maintained as “INTERNAL ONLY” the status will be updated immediately.
This is because the simulation of the Sales Order was not triggered yet, after the Order is simulated, the Sales Order fetches the pricing of the Product and the Pricing Status field shows “Calculated Successfully or Calculated with Errors.”.
Maintenance modes allow you to define the functional scope for all the sales orders (in the cloud solution) that are downloaded from the ERP system.
Following maintenance modes are supported:
• External and Internal
This is the default mode and allows sales order creation and bi-directional transfer of sales orders
between the cloud solution and the external system.
• External Only
This mode supports Display Only of sales orders that are created in an external system and displayed in
the cloud solution.
• Internal Only
Simulate and Transfer features are not available for internal sales orders. The orders of this type can
only be previewed, printed, and sent by e-mail. Internal orders do not support transfer and other statuses
that are updated from the external system.
The values for ItemTotalValues and Total Values can be updated by executing the simulate action on the BO instance. It cannot be updated via OData service.
The sales orders list in account summary is restricted to the ones which were created in the past one month. Hence you see only the orders whose creation date fall under that range.
Only Sales Orders which are Completed and Not Cancelled with the same account and sales area as the current sales documents are considered for order history report.
8.1. If approval is not required why does it ask to send for approval?
Firstly, check if Multi-step approval is enabled in the Business configuration questions for Sales Order which will enable the Submit for Approval action. Secondly, check if there is an active approval process defined for Sales Order under Administrator → Approval Processes. Check the process steps and conditions defined there. When you click on the action Submit for Approval, based on the evaluation of this condition, the Approval status is set. If it is set to Approval Not Necessary and not sent to anyone for approval.
8.2. Even after clicking Submit for Approval, why is Transfer action button is not enabled?
Transfer is triggered automatically once you click on Submit for Approval and the approval is not necessary. After that, transfer is triggered on every save.
The pricing summary of the preview form shows the ToBePrintedPriceComponents which is an association in BO Customer Quote: Root -> External Price Document -> Printed Price Component. These values come from external system(ERP). In the external system, the price components which are marked for Print in the pricing procedure definition are printable price components.
Firstly, Check the following in BC settings
10.1 Go to BC fine-tuning activity "External Pricing" --> "Assignment of External Price Elements for Offline Pricing"
10.2 Check if there is any entry maintained for PPE1 and PPE2.
This indicates that customer has enabled offline discount and discount % in the system.
Secondly, check the maintenance mode of the Sales Order document type. Say if customer is creating a Sales Order with document type as "OR"; then its maintenance mode will be "Internal and External". This implies that manual discounts can be maintained and the offline discount fields will be enabled.
The two fields are specific to offline and will not appear in online. If the customer does not want these fields to appear in offline; then the configurations PPE1 and PPE2 under fine-tuning activity "External Pricing" - -> "Assignment of External Price Elements for Offline Pricing" should be removed.
If an account is flagged as a prospect, then sales order creation will still be possible for the account. However, a prospect account cannot be transferred to ERP system.
This is because as mention above, you cannot transfer the “Prospect” flagged account o ERP though you can simulate the pricing.
The transfer status displays the status of the sales order sync with ERP system.
The transfer status helps to identify the sales order sync status with ERP system. One of the following values will be displayed as transfer status depending on the status of the sync:
• Not Started - Transfer not yet initiated
• In Process - Transfer initiated but yet to be received in the ERP system
• Finished - Data successfully transferred from cloud solution to ERP system
• Interrupted - Data transfer stopped due to technical error
• Not Relevant - For orders that cannot be transferred to ERP system for technical reasons (for example
sales orders created using prospect accounts)
If workflow for approvals is configured, then the workflow is triggered before the transfer to ERP is initiated. After a transfer, the Finish is disabled. This is because any updates to the sales order in status Finished will be correspondingly saved in the ERP system.
Combined sales area determination sequence.
The combined sales area determination sequence is listed below:- Intersection of Account Sales Data and Employee Sales Data
- Compare match of Sales Organization + Distribution Channel + Division
- Compare match of Sales Organization + Distribution Channel
- Compare match of Sales Organization
- Employee Sales Data
- Intersection of Account Sales Data and Sales Organization of Employee Assignment
- Account Sales Data
- Sales Organization of Employee Assignment
Product lists are configured for accounts and sales area. If the flag for Automatic Proposal is selected in the product list configuration, then you will see that products are pre-populated into the item proposal when you initiate an order.
Proposed quantities can be maintained for the products in a product list. When you add items from a product list into an order, you can see these quantities and use them as a reference for ordering.
If there is no proposed quantity maintained for the product, then the product’s minimum ordered quantity is considered. The minimum ordered quantity is maintained at the sales area level of each product. If the product is getting added from a past order, then the quantity is proposed from the past order.
All the active promotions that are valid at the time of the sales order creation and that are also valid for the selected account are displayed to you at the time of the creation of a sales order.
Under Products tab in a sales order, for each line item you have the option to create a new follow-up ticket
Based on which document type has been set up by your administrator for external pricing in the maintenance mode, you can see or not see the option to Simulate, Transfer and Finish in your sales order.
Only the sales orders whose document type has maintenance mode set as External and Internal have simulate, transfer and finish under actions menu enabled.
Stop the transfer process of a Sales Order so you can delete it.
When a Sales Order is stuck in the transfer process, you can't delete it. The Revoke Transfer action stops the process and therefore changes its transfer status. Once the order's transfer status is changed to Not Started, you can delete it. The Revoke Transfer option is available to orders with a transfer status of In Process only.
- Open a Sales Order with a Transfer Status of In Process.
- Navigate to the Transfer Logs view.
- Select More and choose Revoke Transfer. The transfer status is set to Not Started and you can delete it.