Analytics FAQ
Learn about SAP Cloud for Customer – Analytics in this page you will find answers about Data Source, Report, Dashboard and Odata
SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) Embedded Integration
You would need to scope SAC Embedded Integration in your system. This can be achieved in the Business Configuration work center view by scoping the corresponding SAC Embedded Integration related question for an open project.
SAC Embedded Integration is being rolled out in a phased manner to all systems for both existing and new users. The scoping question will be visible once it has been rolled out in your system. This can vary system to system but it will be within the 2108 release of Cloud for Customer.
- You need to wait until SAC is provisioned for your system. This FAQ will be updated once all systems have been provisioned.
- You need to scope the SAC Embedded Integration scoping question.
- You need to setup single sign-on in your system. This is achieved via the Administrator work center and the Configure Single Sign-On Common Task.
- You need to setup another single sign-on which will be for the SAC Embedded Integration. The single sign-on for SAC Embedded Integration can be achieved with a Common Task which will become available in the Business Analytics work center once you scope SAC Embedded Integration in your system.
Please note to set up single-on, you require a connection to an identity provider with your system. You need to setup the identity provider for both single sign-on in one Identity Authentication Service.
IdP Subject Name Identifier is a combined field, the first part refers to the attribute with which your Identity Provider application identifies your users, and the second part refers to an existing Identity Provider user that acts as an administrator for SAC integration. You can choose to enter either the User ID or the E-mail of the Identity Provider user, depending on the selection that you've made for IdP Subject Name Identifier.
The User ID/E-mail of the user mentioned in the IdP Subject Name Identifier is recommended to be an administrator user in C4C. This user acts as a system owner in SAC. Don't use this user credentials to create any SAC stories or content.
To view the users that are replicated from Cloud for Customer to SAC, go to the Common Task Manage Users for SAC in the Business Analytics work center. The system will replicate the users on a daily basis and you can activate and disable users here. Please note that only active users have the possibility to access stories in your system.
As a Key User, who has access to the Design Stories work center view under the Business Analytics work center, you need to assign the SAC stories to Business Roles. The Business Users assigned to the corresponding Business Roles will then be able to see the respective stories.
Unfortunately you can't assign these stories to Business Roles. You would need to save an existing story as a new story and then you will be able to assign the new story to Business Roles.
Usually this happens if you haven't maintained a IdP Subject Name Identifier. Please check your settings for the Configure Single Sign-On Common Task to check if this has been setup correctly.
If you are already using single sign-on, then you already have an IAS. In case you don't have one, you can check out the SAP IAS. Further information can be found here.
Data Source
This is due to the SAP BW format of data source names. The data source ID is not changing but is concatenated to 20 characters. Further to this, the format has 4 characters added at the end of the data source name. So a data source ID like “SEODSRQINTERACTIONU01” is changed to its ODP equivalent “SEODSRQINTERACTIO0$P”. This new data source ID is used to extract data from ODP into BW.
The error could be due to the amount of data requested via the data source. The data limit is 250000, so make sure to restrict the data with some parameters and apply selections. If it is a custom data source you also need to ensure that the modelling is done according to best practices.
If you would like to know what the best practices are to ensure the best performance, you can refer to the Knowledge Base Article Best Practices for Modelling Data Sources and Reports - Performance where we have compiled everything that you need to take into consideration.
Only key figures which are part of a data source are available when the data source is used to create another joined or combined data source. Key figures which are created for a data source are not available while creating a new joined or combined data source. Please create your custom data source first, and then create the new key figure based on the custom data source.
Most probably the amount data being requested is too large and hence the system is out of available
memory while trying to fetch it. Try restricting the data with some parameters.
Most probably the amount data being requested is too large and hence the system is out of available memory while trying to fetch it. Try restricting the data with some parameters. You can also make use of pagination to receive data in batches. You can refer to SAP Note BW data source.
Please refer to the answer given for the question in relation to custom reports execution.
Please refer to the answer given for the question in relation to custom reports execution.
Pie charts support only one key figure which is the first in the selected key figure list.
Sorting works from left to right which means that the records are firstly sorted on basis of the first column. If there are same values in the first column, it will then move to the next column to decide the sorting order.
It isn't allowed to add new default values in a standard report. If you want to add new default values to an existing report, you can use the 'Report as copy' functionality to create a new custom report and add the default values there. However you can change the default values and save them as a new selection.
The selection field might appear twice if it is added by both, the key and the end user. For the field to appear once, you can ask the end users to remove it from their personalization settings.
When the join conditions are incorrect, the data does not come in the filters. Correct the join conditions to make it work. You can make use of the Check option available in Data Source creation to ensure that the joins are set up correctly.
There is a limit of 60 characters for text fields. However, you can choose to show up to 1024 characters. To do this, open the corresponding report and then under the More Actions option and choose Show Extended Text.
This question is covered in the Knowledge Based Articles Dashboard Connections Not Working as Expected and Dashboard Interactions Not Working.
This is due to missing rights to all the work centers. Apart from access rights to the Business Analytics work center, you also need access and edit rights to the Administrator work center.
The basic URL pattern to retrieve report data looks like this:
<your system>/sap/byd/odata/<shortened name of work center>_analytics.svc/RP<reportID>QueryResults
Please also see the blog Odata for SAP Business ByDesign Analytics for further details and examples. Also note that the blog is for the Business ByDesign system but the same applies for Sales Cloud as well as Service Cloud.
The URL pattern to retrieve meta data for all reports per work center looks like this:
<your system>/sap/byd/odata/<shortened name of work center>_analytics.svc/$metadata
The URL pattern to retrieve meta data for a specific report looks like this:
<your system>/sap/byd/odata/<shortened name of workcenter>_analytics.svc/$metadata?entityset=RP<report ID>QueryResults
Please also see the blog Odata for SAP Business ByDesign Analytics for further details and examples. Also note that the blog is for the Business ByDesign system but the same applies for Sales Cloud as well as Service Cloud.
There can be various reasons why your query might fail, for example:
- The Initial selection has a mandatory parameter which you have not filled in your query. Odata
always accesses the Initial selection (see question Why do my filters in the Odata query result in no data?), so if you have mandatory variables, please use $filter to pass a value for it. - Your URL is not formatted correctly, for example filter values have a wrong format, invalid spaces, operators are wrongly used etc. For a full explanation on which parameters can be used and how to set up the URL, please also see the blog Odata for SAP Business ByDesign Analytics. Also note that the blog is for the Business ByDesign system but the same applies for Sales Cloud as well as Service Cloud.
- You are using a parameter that is not supported. Please only use the following parameters $select; $orderby (ascending); $orderby (descending); $totals; $filter; $top; $skip; $count; $inlinecount and $format,
- You are requesting too much data. Please see question Why has my Odata query for reports stopped working? .
- The report uses a key figure of type Grid, which is not supported. Please see the Knowledge Based Article Report Does Not Open in ODATA
- The report is not assigned to a work center, however in your query you are using a specific work center (other than Business Analytics)
This is due to the resource allocation during the time of processing. The file size is becoming too huge and failing due to memory. Please put necessary conditions on the query to break data into smaller packages.
Odata report execution is always done for "Initial" selection. This means that whatever default selection you have defined in the browser report, Odata will always access that selection. If you have already some variables in this selection, the Odata query will take them over. Adding more filters may restrict the data even more, so that you have no result. Please see question 9 on how to overwrite the initial selection.
Passing on key figures is not supported on Odata as it does not ensure consistency. Always perform conditions filtering on characteristics (dimensions).
If you do not set any variables in the URL, Odata will take the initial selection.
Further to this, If you do not define the characteristics and key figures you want to see in the view, Odata will display all available fields. Please be aware that depending on how many fields and how much data the report has, this may result in a time out. Hence, please use $select to specify the characteristics and key figures to be displayed.
There is a way to overwrite the variables in the initial selection: Use $filter for those characteristics and pass the required value. Please note, you can only overwrite the variable entries with new ones – you cannot delete them. If you need to delete the default selection parameters, please create a report copy and change the selection in the report definition (steps 4 and 5).