Platform and Integration FAQ
SAP Cloud for Customer – Platform and Integration FAQ
Data Workbench
The template or the object defines the data that is imported into SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer. For example, if you want to import customer data, then you either choose the Customer object or the Customer template. The system pre-validates the files with a metadata check. For example, if you choose a Customer template and then choose an Order CSV file, you will receive an error, and will not be able to proceed with the import.
We recommend that you do not map any columns from the CSV file to the internal ID key.
There can be two situations where extensions have been made:
- You have added more fields to your CSV file. These fields may or may not be available in the standard object in SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer
- You have extended SAP’s standard business object with new fields.
In both these situations, you cannot use an existing template. If there are any changes to the fields on SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer or in the CSV files, you must create a new template, or modify existing template along with all required mappings, from Data Workbench Templates work center view.
Ideally, you should see a success or failure status for each import. At times, there might be a delay. Wait for a few minutes, and then click Refresh in the Monitor view. If the status still does not appear, create a support incident.
This can happen, if the:
- Order of the fields in the CSV file does not match the order of the fields in the SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer object
- Field names have a space in the CSV file
Open the CSV file, check the order of the fields, and remove any spaces in the column headings, and retry importing data.
The key requirement is to have your data in a CSV file with UTF-8 encoding. UTF-8 format ensures that files containing non-English characters and special characters are secured in its original form, and do not get converted into special characters.
Let us assume that you have your data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Save the spreadsheet in the Comma-delimited CSV format, using File Save As menu option. Files are usually saved in ANSI format. To ensure that your CSV file is saved with UTF-8 encoding, follow the steps described in the Technical section under Basic Checklist (in the Data Workbench User Guide chapter).
Tasks which are in Finished status, can be deleted from the Monitor view. To delete, select the task and click Remove.
You may be using an older metadata template for upload. Please use the latest one.
OData Service has the workcenter view assigned at the entity level. The key user must assign the same workcenter view to the business user.
Your custom object may not be marked as updatable in your metadata. Please ensure the metadata for your custom object in OData Service is sap:updatable="true".
- Only nodes which are creatable or updatable are available in Import or Update respectively.
- In Import template, only creatable or updatable fields are available.
- Only filterable properties are available in Export.
This error occurs if the CSV data file MIME type is other than following supported:
- text/comma-separated-values
- text/csv
- application/csv
- application/excel
- application/
- application/vnd.msexcel
Reduce the export filter conditions, and export data
The CSV data file should be UTF-8 encoded
This error occurs, if the parent external key maintained for business object sub-node record is not present in the parent node data file.
This error occurs if the exported data file is uploaded for import; instead the exported data file should be uploaded by selecting import operation as “Update”.
Follow these steps if modifying records in CSV data file using MS Excel application:
- Open MS Excel and select Data tab in the menu bar.
- Inside the Data tab, clock on “From Text” option, select the desired file from the file system and click on the “Import” button.
- On the Step 1 of Text Import Wizard click on the radio button “Delimited”, select Unicode(UTF-8) from the File origin drop down and tick the checkbox “My data has headers”. Now click the “Next” button.
- On the step 2 screen, select the delimiter for you file and click on the “Next” button.
Note: The delimiter for a file exported form Data Workbench is comma.
- On the step 3 screen of the wizard, in the Data preview section, with the help of “Shift” key on the keyboard, select all the columns. After the whole data preview section is highlighted from the selection, click on the “Text” radio button in Column data format section and Click on the “Finish” button.
- After clicking finish, the import dialog will appear. Please select the first cell of the excel sheet (as indicated in screenshot below) and click the “Ok” button.
- To save this document after making changes, click on “File” in the tool bar, then click on the save button. After selecting a desired directory and file name, select “CSV UTF-8” option in the type drop down under the file name option and click on save button.
To import new data into the system please follow the below steps
1. Go to Data Workbench work center
2. Select Import
3. Select any Object
4. Select Download CSV file
Add the data in the template then follow the below steps
1. Go to Data Workbench work center
2. Select Import
3. Select any Object
4. Select Next
5. Upload the template
6. The fields would be auto-mapped by the tool as you have selected an object template file. You need to review the mapping before proceeding to next import step.
7. Select Import
To update the existing data in system, please follow the below steps
1. Go to Data Workbench work center
2. Select Export View
3. Select any Object
4. Select Next
5. Select Export Data
Add the values which needs to be modified/updated in the template and then follow the below steps
1. Go to Data Workbench work center
2. Select Update
3. Select the Object
4. Select Next
5. Upload the template
6. Select Import
You can check the status of your import and export by following the below steps
1. Go to Data Workbench work center
2. Go to Monitor View
In this view, you can check the progress/status of the file and also you can download the respective exported file.
To upload attachment please follow the below steps
1. Go to Data Workbench work center
2. Select Import view
3. Select Import Attachment
4. Select the respective Object
5. Select Download manifest file
You can then fill the template with the path where the attachments are kept and then copy the template to the same folder and then zip the folder
Note: Please make sure you name of the template as manifest.csv
1. Go to Data Workbench work center
2. Select Import view
3. Select Import Attachment
4. Select the respective Object
5. Select Next
6. Upload the zip file
7. Select Import
The size of the zip file should not exceed more than 1 GB and size of each attachment in it should not exceed 10MB.
You can download the file from Monitor view and remove the first column Row ID and last column which contains Error and then you can Import the file again using Import view.
The date format should be filled in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM format.
You can select the respective Task and then you can select Remove.
When you open the file with MS Excel, the leading zeros will be truncated. So, you can open it in any standard text file to keep the leading zeros.
It is not possible to Export Attachment for any object using Data Workbench work center. You can only Import new attachments for an object using the Import View.
You can Delete the mapping between Source and Target fields by following the below steps
1. Select the link between the Source and Target fields
2. Right Click
3. Select Delete
1. Select the link between the Source and Target fields
2. Select Delete button in your keyboard
Only Key Users have access to All Tasks in Monitor view under Data Workbench work center.
Nullify/Unchecking of the Checkbox field for a given Business Object, is possible using “Update” operation available for Import of Individual Objects, under “Data Workbench” work center and “Import” work center view. In the exported data file, leave the values for the object field blank, and select update mode “Update Blank Values”.
The file will automatically disappear from Monitor view after Three months
Ignore Blank Values: Once you choose this option it will ignore all the blank values provided for a specific field in the csv file and these fields will not be impacted after import.
Update Blank Values: Once you choose this option it will accept all the blank values provided for a specific field in the csv file and these will be updated after import.
Yes, its 6 hours. If any file crosses 6 hours, then the status of the file changes to Interrupted
Code List mapping template can be downloaded only during file processing in the mapping screen.
There is no such separate flag in Data Workbench, you can just use the Account ID / Contact ID and then it will use the one which is available in the system.
The Data Workbench uses the assignment of the view ITS_KEYUSERCHANGELOG to differentiate between business users and key users.
If a user is not assigned to that view, then the user is identified as a Business User.
Business Users can only perform Imports via templates when Key Users have all the options available.
If you don't want to assign the work center view ITS_KEYUSERCHANGELOG to certain users, you can create Templates using a Key User from the "Template" work center view in Data Workbench, this template can then be used by other users to perform data imports.
External Keys should be provided in the Import template for each Import Object in Data Workbench. External Keys should be kept as unique for each record during the Import scenario for a specific object.
You can keep the External Key field can be kept as blank for the Import scenario. We always recommend you to fill the External Key field during the Import scenario is because then it will easier for you to Import sub-objects using the External Key of Parent Object
Example: You have imported an Account with External Key using the Object Accounts and now if your requirement is to Import Account Team for that specific Account then you can use the External Key in the field AccountExternalKey to import the records easily.
The Import task will be available in the Monitor view for 3 months and after that, it will be deleted. We would always recommend you keep the original files locally which you have used in Import so that you can have a track of all the External Keys used.
To delete specific records in SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer system, first export data by providing relevant filters, add an additional header “ToBeDeleted” at end of the exported CSV data file, and mark the records to be deleted as “true”. Submit this modified file for “Update” operation from “Import” work center view.
- Select the object and download the metadata ZIP file and save it in the local file system
- Extract files from ZIP file in the local file system
- The folder “CodeList” contains code list property values for all relevant code list properties for this object. The folder “FieldDefinition”, contains meta-information of business object nodes. The folder “Templates” contains template CSV files for each business object node; For data import, data should be entered in these template files.
- It is mandatory to fill the “ExternalKey” column for all template files, & also the parent ExternalKey for sub-node template files, along with business data.
- Note: If the parent external key is either not maintained or wrongly maintained, the record will be unprocessed.
- The template CSV files for which data is maintained should be archived in a ZIP file.
- This ZIP file can now be uploaded for data import.
Data Workbench tool allows import of data file size of 20MB and maximum 100K records; For data migration beyond 100K records or if the data file size exceeds 20MB, the data from the legacy system should be split into multiple data files and imported using data workbench.
C4C Odata Services
You can access the OData API of your tenant by following the URL pattern:
You can access the metadata of the OData API of your tenant with the URL pattern:$metadata
You can access the OData API reference for all the objects with the URL pattern:
You can use the same URL for accessing OData v2 in Cloud for Customer.
There are two different versioning in OData Services.
- OData Service Version
- Supported versions are V1, V2
- Even though the service is V2, in C4C the URL will still use V1
- Protocol Version
- Versions V1 to V4
- C4C supports V2.0 of the OData protocol (with some additional enhancements and a few limitations)
The system explicitly adds the max count value as 1000 records if no other criteria is provided. To fetch more records add the $top parameter as shown below:
You can use the field RequestedStart as a workaround. Addition of field Initially Received At will be available in one of our future releases.
You have to first create AccountContactRelationship and then you can create ContactCommunicationData by adding communication data for Contacts.
There is no OData API to retrieve Organizational Structure.
Below are the supported HTTP operations in OData:
GET | Used to retrieve a single entity instance or multiple entity instances |
POST | Used to create entity instances |
PUT | Used to completely replace/overwrite and existing entity instance |
PATCH | Used to replace/overwrite existing entity instance. The key difference between PUT and PATCH is that PUT overwrites the complete entity whereas PATCH updates only attributes of the entity that are part of the payload |
DELETE | Used to delete an entity record |
$batch | Used to perform multiple queries, create, update and delete operations with explicit transaction boundaries specified via Changesets as a part of the payload |
Deep Insert | Used with POST. Allows the creation of complete entity (header entry, child entries, ...) with a single POST request |
The Null property defines a property as mandatory – if the property is nullable="false", it can be passed empty in the payload, which means it must always have a value for it. By flagging the Null checkbox, you allow a property to be nullable (i.e. it's not mandatory).
Only Import is possible. Update can be done if External Keys are used via Import option itself.
The Extension fields need to be added one at a time. It is not possible to automatically add all the Extension fields at once to an OData Service and the same applies to all other related objects involved in KUT extensibility: web services, forms, reports, etc
No. Once a record is deleted, the OData collection will not be able to fetch it.
Updating the State field should be done via Account/AccountAddress-State. To update the State code, you need to take the AccountID from ContactCollection and update via Account/AccountAddress. The State should not be updated via the BusinessAddress.
If the Enable Search option is checked in the standard c4codataapi service, only then you can use the required field for the $search filter.
Sales Leads is Obsolete in the SAP Cloud for Customer system. For Sales Leads in the Sales work center, the entity is Lead. There is a new entity for Marketing Leads which is LeanLead. For Leads in Marketing work center, refer to entity set LeanLeadCollection.
Yes. Just as Json, XML payload can be sent.
OData uses REST based web service, synchronous execution. For more details, please refer to the below link:
No. This would result in error "403 - Unauthorized".
The C4CODATAAPI is a combination of multiple services. You need to add it to individual services – e.g. customer, contact, employeeanduser – in the OData Services facet and it will reflect in C4CODATAAPI.
Note: While extending KUT fields you need to select the respective Service Name for the Object Name. For example the service for BO, Service Request is Ticket. Refer to the attachment for the List of Service details per BO.
Details for this are available in the blog below:
- Custom services will not be impacted by this change. A2A Web Services are still being supported and we don’t have any plans to deprecate them anytime soon.
- OData v1 (REST) or A2X (SOAP) services are meant to be used to integrate with non-SAP systems with or without middleware. After 2020, only OData v2 (REST) will be active to be used for such integrations with non-SAP systems where SAP doesn't provide standard integration. SAP provides standard integration between C4C & ERP/S4/CRM via middlewares CPI or PI, and all these services are A2A / SOAP services which will remain unchanged
Details on how to set up the C4C OData notification are available in the blog below:
The consuming structure for C4C OData notifications contains four fields and documentation for the same is available in the below mentioned blog:
- BusinessObject
- BusinessObjectId
- ODataServiceEndpoint
- Event
Yes, filtering the entities using ETag is permitted using OData Services.
Although the ETag property can be used for filtering, it should only be considered for concurrency control and not for filtering of the ChangedOn field time stamp on any entity, as entities may be based on more than one Business Object at the same time and because of that, the ETag result may differ from the ChangedOn time stamp in the UI.
No, you should first activate the Account back and add it to the Target Group.
Only v1 and v2 are supported in C4C OData services
Service LoggedInUserInfo with a functional import IdentityGetLoggedInUserInfo
The OData Service for Price List is salespricelist. To upload Price List, you may use the Data Workbench object Internal Price/Discount List and to upload its items, you may use the Data Workbench object Internal Price/Discount List Items.
Help document:
You need to scope OData API Monitor in Business configuration:
1. Go to Business Configuration
2. Choose the Implementation Projects view
3. Select your Implementation Project, Edit Project Scope.
4. In the scoping wizard, choose Next until the Scoping screen appears.
5. Go to Communication and Information Exchange People Collaboration
a. Intranet and External Services Communities
b. Document Management and External Services OData API Monitor
6. Answer the scoping question: Do you Want to Enable Monitoring of OData Inbound calls?
7. Launch OData Monitor: Logon to SAP Cloud for Customer
a. Go to Administrator workcenter
b. Select General Settings
c. Under System Administration you can see the link for OData API Monitor
For new scenarios, we recommend the customer to use the new Event Notification feature. For existing scenarios, we can support the customer via an incident.
The UIs may look the same, but the deprecated functionality has some issues, which is which why use of the new Event Notification is recommended.
There is no restriction on using basic authentication. However, we strongly recommend certificate-based authentication or OAuth (as per the need) as these mechanisms are much more robust and secure. With basic authentication, issues such as password expiry, wrong password or password changed in C4C by mistake can lead to production down situations. Such situations can largely be avoided with other authentication mechanisms, as mentioned.
The collection ServiceRequestBusinessTransactionDocumentReferenceCollection cannot be used for PUT and PATCH methods.
Please refer to guide:
HTTP Method | Operation | URI |
GET | Request ServiceRequestBusinessTransactionDocumentReference Data | |
POST | Operation not supported for this Entity Type | n/a |
PATCH | Operation not supported for this Entity Type | n/a |
DELETE | Delete ServiceRequestBusinessTransactionDocumentReference Data | https://myXXXXXX.crm.ondemand....('ObjectID') |
Workaround for the above requirement is to make use of the MainTicketID entity. You can refer to the below property in standard odata service:
<Property Name="MainTicketID" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="true" MaxLength="35" FixedLength="true" sap:creatable="true" sap:updatable="true" sap:filterable="true" sap:label="Main Ticket"/>
Country code was set to mandatory intentionally in the EmployeeAndUser odata service. Reasons are as as listed below:
1) Country Code was already mandatory in the old Migration workbench migration tool.
2) When creating an identity, it makes sense to have an employee workplace address
3) During identity creation (happens when creating internal employee) determination of basic settings (.e.g. logon language, time zone...) heavily depends on the country
Having a meaningful country allows better defaulting of those identity basic settings.
Currently, there is no support of ID Mapping between C4C Internal ID and External ID in OData.
Attachment folder can be navigated following the below URL:
HTTP Method | Operation | URI |
GET | Request LeadAttachmentFolder Entity Data |'ParentObjectID')/LeadAttachmentFolder |
POST | Create New LeadAttachmentFolder |'ParentObjectID')/LeadAttachmentFolder |
PATCH | Update LeadAttachmentFolder Data |'ObjectID') |
DELETE | Delete LeadAttachmentFolder Data |'ObjectID') |
You have to filter on the parent object and then expand to the child object as in the URL example below, where OpportunityCollection is the parent object and OpportunityAttachmentFolder is the child object.$filter=ID eq '27534'&$expand=OpportunityAttachmentFolder$filter=RegisteredProductID eq '<ID>' and RoleCode eq '<RoleCode>'
The SAP Cloud for Customer OData API v1 is set as "Obsolete" since February 2020. However, it will continue to work and be supported in existing implementations, though no enhancement beyond bug fixes is expected for it, and it is not available for new projects.
GET operation not supported for entity type LoggedInUserInfoCollection. Use function import IdentityGetLoggedInUserInfo to request Identity Data of currently logged in user.
(where XXXXXX represents the tenant)
For documentation, refer SAP Cloud for Customer OData API v2 Reference in the link:
In a $batch operation, if one request fails, all the other requests fail simultaneously. This is the expected system behaviour.
CSRF token validity is linked to the validity of the security session. Usually, the security session is valid for 3600s (i.e. 60 mins) and if any successful call using the same session cookie is done within this duration, the session expiry is extended by another 60 minutes.
Currently, the field Opportunity is not a part of SalesQuoteCollection. Hence it can't be accessed via OData or Data Workbench.
Currently, logical OR only works for the same property and there is no plan to support logical OR in different properties.
The timeline expects the text to be Rich Text Content. This means when sending the formatted text for Timeline, you would need to pass break tags (<br>), instead of \n.
By default, it is 7 days. From 2011 release onwards, it is extended to 15 days
Yes, by using the URL (where XXXXXX represents your tenant)
For individual OData Services (such as, for example, ProductCollection), the URL should be
Currently, CORS is not supported for OData Services API.
The CSRF token is not returned for Technical user. Technical user should be used for server-to-server integration and in this case, there is no need for CSRF token. OData calls made with the technical user will not return a CSRF token and POST calls work without CSRF token for such users and are also not required for PUT/PATCH/DELETE.
All error calls are logged default. The Monitor is not required to be activated to log error calls
Page layout – will be applied for users of a business role for which the layout is assigned
Only key user can configure.
Fields should be available in the master layout first to be present in the list while trying to add it to a page layout
Yes. If any personalization is done it will overwrite the page layout configuration for that user.
Mashup and embedded reports cannot be added to a page layout, it can only be added to Master Layout (means you will not find the “Add Mashup” and “Add embedded reports” option)
Yes the sequence can be changed in Master Layout, Page Layout and Personalization.
Let say you have done page layout assignments to a Business Object, and later if any further changes to a page layout is done for the first time in that particular screen, recent changes won’t reflect for the business users, So you need to go to “Assign page layout” for that Business role in the corresponding Business Object change the layout to any other Pagelayout and change it again back to the concerned page layout.
Note: This doesn’t need to be done for all the Business roles. If done for one Business role, then the changes will be applied for all the business roles assigned to that page layout.
No, this can only be done in master layout not in any page layouts.
To make assignments for sales order screen, you should use Sales Quotes Business Object
To make assignments for Contacts screen, you should choose “Business Partner” Business Object.
No. page layout can be assigned to only one instance type for respective Business Object.
By showing these assignments the Key User can now easily see if there is a mismatch between the Business Roles used for Page Layout assignments in source and target tenant.
By setting the assignments back to Master Layout of the Unknown Business Roles the lines will disappear. The Key User can do this for cleaning up after making sure that the corresponding roles are missing by intention.
The assignment should be done to the Parent Business Object where the EC is embedded.
This will delete all the previous page layout assignments made for that particular Business Object.
Yes you can add or remove queries in a page layout
Visible : AND (Visbility will be true only if it is true for all the layouts that is assigned to the Roles)
True + False = False
Read Only : OR (Read only will be true if atleast one of the layout assigned to a role has read only as true)
True + False = True
Mandatory : OR ((Mandatory will be true if atleast one of the layout assigned to a role has Mandatory as true)
True + False = True
Groupware Server Side Integration
The SAP Cloud for Customer, server-side integration for Microsoft Outlook allows you to exchange information between Microsoft Outlook and SAP Cloud for Customer.
Email Client |
Supports Synchronization |
Supports client Add-In |
Microsoft Outlook 2010 |
Yes |
No |
Microsoft Outlook 2013, 2016 or above |
Yes |
Yes |
Microsoft Outlook for iOS, Android or Windows mobile |
Yes |
Yes |
ANY desktop or mobile client that supports Microsoft Exchange |
Yes |
No |
Google Chrome (for Gmail) |
Yes |
Yes |
Email Server |
Supports Synchronization |
Supports client Add-In |
Microsoft Office 365 (with Exchange Online plan) |
Yes |
Yes |
Microsoft Exchange 2013, 2016 or above |
Yes |
Yes |
Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP02 |
Yes |
No | |
Yes |
Yes |
Gmail |
Yes |
Yes |
SSI can be enabled only if the Customer is having Enterprise Edition License. For More details on the License part, kindly get in touch with your Sales/Acc Manager.
A Business user should use either the Client-side Or the Server-Side add-in for Microsoft Outlook to avoid any inconsistencies with sync scenarios.
Accounts, Contacts, Individual Customer, Tasks, Activities, Visits, Attaching email to C4C Objects.
Microsoft Windows, MacBook, OWA on mobile devices on iOS, Android.
Term |
Description |
SAP Cloud for Customer Administrator |
A user that belongs to an SAP Cloud for Customer tenant and has administrative rights. Only an administrator can access the Groupware Settings tab and manage other administrators or ordinary users of SAP Cloud for Customer, server-side integration for Outlook and Gmail. |
SAP Cloud for Customer User |
A user in an SAP Cloud for Customer tenant that does not have administrative rights. A user has no access to the Groupware Settings tab and cannot manage other users. |
Profile |
A collection of configuration settings and parameters that control how SAP Cloud for Customer, server-side integration for Microsoft Outlook or SAP Cloud for Customer, server-side integration for Gmail behaves for a specific set of users to better fit their needs. |
Profile Template |
A profile that serves as a template for a user. A profile template provides some predefined configuration settings that can later be customized by a user. When a user changes setting in the profile template, such profile template becomes a customized profile. |
Default Profile Template |
A profile that provides users with the default SAP Cloud for Customer, server-side integration for Microsoft Outlook or SAP Cloud for Customer, server-side integration for Gmail configuration. A default profile template is created automatically and cannot be edited. It can also be used as a basis for creating new or customized profiles. |
Customized Profile |
A profile that is created automatically as soon as the user changes any settings in the profile assigned to that user. Both administrators and users can edit their profiles, thus creating customized profiles. Customized profiles do not appear in the list of profiles and cannot be assigned to other users. Customized profiles can only be used by the user who created them. |
Organization |
A collection of users that share a common set of general settings. The name of the organization together with the organization settings can be changed by an administrator. |
Default Organization |
An organization that the administrator is automatically assigned to during the provisioning process. For ordinary users, a default organization is used if no other organization is explicitly specified by the administrator. The default organization cannot be deleted, but both the organization name and the organization settings can be changed by an administrator. |
Users can save attachments to C4C which does not exceed 5MB.
Synchronization interval is fixed in product to 30 minutes, as balance between functionality and infrastructure load.
Search result is limited to 5 record by design. This value is not customizable. As a solution, customer can add more search criteria for accounts in Profile settings and use them in search.
By current Design, contact will be linked to an account, if there is a Name present in “Company” field in Outlook. Server-Side sync performs a search for that name in C4C and if there is match, it will be linked to an existing account in C4C, if there is no match – server-side sync will try to create an account in C4C and in case of failure – contact will be saved to C4C without company.
It is not possible to search Tasks via the Outlook Addin.
Please check the information provided in this Link:
Please follow the Blog :
Please follow the Blog :
According to Microsoft article, pinnable task panes are available in Outlook 2016, build 7668.2000 or later.
Microsoft Article :
a) Microsoft Exchange Impersonation
b) Microsoft Exchange Direct Logon
c) Office 365 OAuth
d) Google Direct Logon
It is an approach when Exchange administrator configures impersonated account for a specific organization or group of users, who will be using server-side integration, and this account is used for authentication. Such approach is preferable since it doesn't require any effort from end user to complete deployment.
Please follow the Link :
It is an approach, when the common deployment part is configured by administrator and configures necessary steps in C4C, but user should log-on to C4C and enter Microsoft Exchange credentials. It may be applicable for small groups of users since it requires additional effort from user's perspective.
This mode requires each provisioned user to grant access to mailboxes via Server-side integration. This mode supports all MFA configuration. Passwords aren’t stored by Server-side integration. Only OAuth2 refresh tokens that are scoped to Server-side integration can be revoked by O365 admin. Tokens normally don’t expire with password change and this policy is fully configured in Azure AD of customer Office 365 tenant.
If the users in the Organization access their Gmail Inbox directly, specify this Direct logon access.
Log on as an administrator to SAP Cloud for Customer and go to E-Mail Integration - Groupware Settings - Users. In the row of the user you want to enable, in the Actions column, choose Install SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer, server-side integration for Microsoft Outlook. Reinstalling the add-in enables the add-in to work on supported mobile platforms and reactivates the users that you selected.
Please follow the information provided in this article:
Since server-side integration works with user's Exchange mailbox, which can be connected to a mobile device through ActiveSync.
User can partially use some functionality on the mobile device.
User can:
- Access and edit synchronized C4C calendar events in native mobile calendar application.
- Access, edit synchronized C4C and create new Contacts, Accounts and Individual Contacts in native mobile contacts app.
- Access and edit synchronized C4C tasks in native mobile Reminders application.
- Work with add-in from Outlook Mobile application.
Addin is inactive in the List view in Outlook If Reading Pane is turned off.
Enable Reading Pane in Outlook (View - Reading Pane).