FAQ for Manage Purchase Orders App
This page includes pairs of questions and answers about the Manage Purchase Orders App and topics that are interconnected with it.
Answer: The Manage Purchase Orders App uses Situation Handling when there is a deficit in the quantity of materials to be delivered by the supplier for any purchase order item.
Answer: With the Manage Purchase Orders Advanced app you can create, edit and display also those purchase orders that have one or more of the few features that are not supported by the Fiori app.
Answer: You can work with purchase orders and purchase orders of the type ‘advanced’. Note that purchase orders of the type ‘advanced’ (symbolized by an icon next to the PO number) are opened in a separate browser tab.
Answer: With the Overdue Purchase Order Items app, you can analyze the delivery dates of the purchase orders sent to the supplier. The KPI compares the actual date with the delivery date on item level. All purchase order items for which delivery date has passed and which have not yet been delivered are calculated. You can also use this app to analyze the delivery dates of purchase order items sent to the supplier.
Answer: On the list screen of the Manage Purchase Orders App, you can select purchase orders according to their status.
Answer: Maybe the app is not published on your launch pad. Please go to “App Finder” underneath your user picture and search for the app. If you can find the app, add the tile by clicking on the pin. If not, please give a notice to your administration team.
Answer: To check, whether your order has been sent yet, please check the list screen. Here you can select purchase orders according to their status.
Answer: To change the document type, please go to General Information and choose one of the given types in the field Purchase Order Type. Once the purchase order has been saved, the purchase order type is read-only.
Answer: Yes, you can divide your documents into different groups. For example, the categories sample and actual purchase orders are available.
ability to transfer header and item texts to the Purchase Order form. For extensibility, please contact your IT department.
occurs in the update task after a PO is saved. The Purchase Order number range
is buffered so the PO number is assigned and gets lost if a termination occurs.
What can cause the gap in the numbers sequence:
• If an application server is shut down, the numbers that are left in the buffer
(that is, that are not yet assigned) are lost. As a result, there are gaps in the
number assignment.
• The status of the number range interval reflects the next free number that has
not yet been transferred to an application server for intermediate buffering.
The current number level therefore does not display the number of the “next”
• If you use several application servers, the numerical sequence will not reflect
the (chronological) insert sequence because the numbers are buffered
separately on the individual hosts.
· Search your PO 4100002504
· Select the radio button of the PO
· Press the button ‘Withdraw from Approval’
· For changing the PO click on the selected item.
Unfortunately this means, that custom fields cannot be included in the migration job. For more information please also consider KBA 2683477
an improvement request. For a detailed description of SAP Customer Influence, please take a look at the user documentation see https://help.sap.com/doc/378cd...
Answer: Yes, in the “Mass Changes to Purchase Orders” App there is a delivery date field which can be used to enter date ranges and filter the Purchase Orders that way.
Answer: In the App Maintain Email Templates under Customs column you may have maintained the wrong entry or just made a typing mistake. Please maintain the entry as YY1_00800238_CRT_19. If you have no sufficient authorizations for this action, please inform your administration team.
Answer: “As per the current workflow design for Purchase Orders, a modification of some
fields will re-trigger workflow.
With “SSCUI – 103345 – Manage Conditions to Restart Flexible Workflow” you
can deactivate and control the fields responsible for the management of
retriggered workflows.
In “SSCUI 101097 – Activate Flexible Workflow for Purchase Orders” you can
control for which PO document types workflow should be triggered. If you have no sufficient authorizations for this action, please inform your administration team.”
Answer: As per the current workflow design for Purchase Orders, a modification of the following
fields will re-trigger workflow:
•Company Code
•Purchasing Organization
•Purchasing Group
•Material Group
•Net Order Price
•Order Quantity
•Outline Agreement
Answer: Please keep the fields Delivery Creation Date and CalcRuleDefltDlvCrDt blank, solely enter the purchase order number and then execute.
Please make sure to post a committed quantity in the delivery schedule, this should solve the problem.
Answer: The factsheet dynamically picks up the current values for the My Inbox and My Outbox Apps directly from the database. A saved record for an overview of changes being made is available. To see any changes the approver needs to go to the change log of the document.
Answer: If the workflow agent is not able to determine, we get this error. Please ask your admin team to check whether the corresponding workflow is active and the agent is available to approve. Workflow Admin error logs can also be checked if we have any exceptions raised in workflow agent determination by the Badi. Also to solve the issue it is suggested to complete the process instance manually. This should trigger again the result callback, which is needed by the application.
Answer: The purchase order has to be approved, rejected or withdrawn form approval before an attachment can be added and saved. You also have the option to use the ‘Withdraw from Approval’ functionality in the APP ‘Manage Purchase Orders’ after which changes can be made. Please refer to the attached KBA 2578251 on this point. https://launchpad.support.sap....
Answer: You can set up email notifications for users to approve the Purchase Order or if a PO is rejected by using the app Maintain Email Templates. Follow these steps:
1) Email notification for recipients of workflow items (approvers):
Copy the predelivered email template SWF_CRT_NOTIFY_RECIPIENTS
2) Email notification for workflow initiators (purchasers) in case of workflow approval:
Copy the predelivered email template SWF_WORKFLOW_COMPLETE_NOTIFY (COMPLETE_POSITIVE for approved|)
3) Email notification for workflow initiators (purchasers) in case of workflow rejection:
Copy the predelivered email template SWF_WORKFLOW_COMPLETE_NOTIFY (COMPLETE_NEGATIVE for rejected)
Please also refer to https://s4hanacloud.community....
Answer: Please check whether the automatic workflow in the Manage Workflows for Purchase Orders App is activated.
It is recommended to always have this active to have a fall back workflow. You can find more information under this link:
Answer: The status of the new Purchase Orders is not updated because the automated workflow fails with a locking error. For a resolution you can try to withdraw the POs from approval and save them again.
When flexible workflow is active for a Purchase order type, the system must have an active workflow. If you have several active workflows but none of these are relevant to the content of the Purchase Order the system will default onto the auto approval. If you have de-activated the Auto approval such errors can occur. At a minimum the 'Automatic Release of Purchase Order' has to be Active when the Flexible workflow is active for a document type. The customizing is in the APP 'Manage Workflows for Purchase Orders' make sure you have an active entry.
To change the ADS form date or number format for a specific locale, you can use the Adobe LiveCycle Designer. For a step to step explanation, please take a look into the KBA 2531813: https://launchpad.support.sap....
If the workflow agent is not able to determine, we get this error. Please ask your admin team to check whether the corresponding workflow is active and the agent is available to approve. Workflow Admin error logs can also be checked if we have any exceptions raised in workflow agent determination by the BadI. Also to solve the issue it is suggested to complete the process instance manually. This should trigger again the result callback, which is needed by the application.
When flexible workflow is active for a Purchase order type, the system must have an active workflow. If you have several active workflows but none of these are relevant to the content of the Purchase Order the system will default onto the auto approval. If you have de-activated the Auto approval such errors can occur. At a minimum the 'Automatic Release of Purchase Order' has to be Active when the Flexible workflow is active for a document type. The customizing is in the APP 'Manage Workflows for Purchase Orders' make sure you have an active entry.
In the standard workflow design a pre-condition of the net amount or net price does not include the tax amount. However, you can achieve your business requirement with creating a custom pre-condition. Please refer to following attached KBA which provides all the necessary information: 2767845 - How to define new Procurement Pre-conditions in Manage Workflow Apps 2841783 - How to define new Pre-condition in Manage Workflow for Purchase orders
The status of the new Purchase Orders is not updated because the automated workflow fails with a locking error. For a resolution you can try to withdraw the POs from approval and save them again. If this is not the case, please raise an incident.
Pricing; Part 1
Answer: The Price Unit indicates the unit of measure that is relevant for the net order price of the purchase order item. The price unit can be different from the order unit. It is possible, that the supplier specifies the price of a good or a service in relation to a unit other than the one you want to use as the order unit in the purchase order.
Answer: The price unit can be different from the order unit. It is possible, that the supplier specifies the price of a good or a service in relation to a unit other than the one you want to use as the order unit in the purchase order.
Answer: When you create a purchase order, the system searches for valid conditions and inserts them into the new document (this is the process of price determination). If no conditions are found, you can enter the net price manually. The net price can be changed at any time. If the purchase order currency is changed after entering the net price, changes to the net price are possible in the pricing section.
Answer: If automatic surcharges or rebates are found, the net price cannot be changed.
Answer: You can change the default conversion factor for both physical and non-physical units in the Create Purchase Order – Advanced app (go to the Item Details section, Quantity/Weights tab).
Note: In the Manage Purchase Orders app, you can display items with a changed conversion factor, but you cannot change the factor itself.
Answer: In the Manage Purchase Orders app, you can display items with a changed conversion factor, but you cannot change the factor itself.
Answer: You can change the default conversion factor for both physical and non-physical units in the Create Purchase Order – Advanced app (go to the Item Details section, Quantity/Weights tab). Please note: In the Manage Purchase Orders app, you can display items with a changed conversion factor, but not change the factor itself. For more information, see the in-app help for the Price Unit field in the Manage Purchase Orders app.
Answer: The logic for calculation of ‘Value to be Invoiced’ is considered as follows:
Value to be invoiced = (Order Quantity – Invoiced Quantity) * Price of a single unit.
We do not consider the logic of subtracting Invoiced value from Net Order Value as there are chances that the partial invoice is done for X quantities at a Discounted price. However, for the rest of the quantities, the price would be considered at standard value.
Answer: As of the standard system design, it is not possible to do this, but you may consider a workaround. Please take a look into the BadI MM_PUR_S4_PO_FLDCNTRL_SIMPLE to control whether the net price field should be open for editing or visible under your own conditions.
Answer: In the standard workflow design a pre-condition of the net amount or net price does not include the tax amount. However, you can achieve your business requirement with creating a custom pre-condition. Please refer to following attached KBA which provides all the necessary information:
2767845 – How to define new Procurement Pre-conditions in Manage Workflow Apps
2841783 – How to define new Pre-condition in Manage Workflow for Purchase orders
Pricing; Part 2
Answer: If you want to search a cost center successfully, use a wild card character “*” before and after your search string, for example: “*1010*”. Then the fuzzy search will propose all cost centers or G/L accounts that match the entered string by 80% at least.
Answer: The commitment update must have been released for the accounting object. In case of a cost center, a user with the role Cost Accountant – Overhead can do this as follows: -Open the Manage Cost Centers app. -Go to the Control tab. -Check whether the control indicator Lock Commitment Updates has been switched off.
Answer: If you decide that a service entry sheet is to be created, this also means that the invoice is to be based on the goods receipt that is created in the background once a service entry sheet has been approved. Therefore, in this case you also have to select the GR-Bsd Inv. Verif. indicator.
Answer: G/L stands for General Ledger.
Answer: CO stands for Cost Object.
Answer: Freight can be added as surcharge (absolute or procentual value) in the pricing conditions. Furthermore, freight for a purchase order belongs to the master data in the category pricing. The system uses this as well as prices, discounts for materials and business partners, surcharges, sales taxes, and planned costs for customs to calculate a net value in a business document.
Answer: Notice that the info record is being updated by the changed PO item if you do not flag the info update check box.
Answer: Please consider maintaining the exchange rate by referring to KBA 2575708. See the attached link: https://launchpad.support.sap....
Answer: If the condition DCD1 is set as Header condition, changes made will be applied to all items. For example, in the purchase order: 1) Go to section ‘Delivery and Invoice’ 2) Enter a value either via field ‘Terms of Payment’ or directly in field ‘Days 1 / In Percent’ Then, the condition type DCD1 is set on header level and applies to all items. If you want to give a specific discount for an item, another discount condition type should be used or created. For example, you may use condition type DRN1.
Answer: The reason for the price and net amount to be set to 0.0 lies in a customizing change to the print indicators in the pricing procedure. To solve this issue, please set the Print Type to “a at item: General” for relevant pricing procedure using SSCUI – 101117 – Set Pricing Procedure.
Document Types
Answer: When you create a new purchase order, the system inserts the document type NB by default. You can change the document type of the purchase order and use any customer-defined document type (Z*) that has been copied with all dependent entries from document type NB.
Answer: NB stands for the document type used for standard purchase orders.
Answer: When you create a new purchase order, the system inserts the document type NB by default. You can change the document type of the purchase order and use any customer-defined document type (Z*) that has been copied with all dependent entries from document type NB. NB stands for the document type used for standard purchase orders.
Answer: To change the document type, please go to General Information and choose one of the given types in the field Purchase Order Type. Once the purchase order has been saved, the purchase order type is read-only.
Answer: Once the purchase order has been saved, the document type is read-only.
Answer: It is possible that this is caused by missing entries for the document type. Please check whether the following entries were put in correctly for a standard purchase order: Document Type = NB/Custom Document Type Item Category = Standard which is represented by space Object = EKPO Text Id = F01
Answer: To solve this you can use SSCUI – Define Document Types to copy existing standard entries and create new ones. Here you are allowed to change the document type name and its description as well. Please note: Once you copy and create a new/custom document type, you cannot delete the document type. See attached KBA 2685355 – How to create a custom Purchasing Document.
Answer: You can create a new Purchase Order Type using the SSCUI 102909. For more information, take a look into the KBA 2873100 – New Purchase Order Document type: https://launchpad.support.sap....
Answer: Z* stands for the customer-defined purchase order types.
Answer: This may occur because the field selection key is not defined same as that of standard document types. To solve this problem, please take the following steps: In Manage Your Solution app, under Application Area: Sourcing and Procurement and Sub Application Area: Operational Procurement Select SSCUI 102909 – Define Document Types Under the column ‘FieldSelKey.’, maintain field selection key value same as standard document types
Answer: No, a purchase order must be approved before the output can be generated. If a purchase order is on hold, then: • Edit option is not applicable to the Messages tab • New outputs cannot be generated
Answer: SAP delivers a standard template MM_PUR_PURCHASE_ORDER for purchase order outputs. This standard template is generally used to generate purchase order outputs. If you cannot see the fields in your output, then it might be possible that they are not part of the standard form template. To add more fields or to remove certain fields in the standard form template you must edit it to match your requirements. To edit form templates, you must contact your administrator. You will need Adobe LiveCycle Designer (ALD) 10.4 or higher to edit the form templates. Refer Form Templates for more details.
Answer: In standard only the PO header text type F01 is delivered. If you would like to output additional text types, please inform your administration team.
Answer: As informed by development team, this is a missing functionality.
Answer: SAP decided not to allow creating output line items for a held status or before approving the document. Hence you cannot see Messages in change mode. To check the data kindly use the create/change purchase order advanced app.
Answer: Please check whether this comes from the fact that one email address is picked from the supplier master data and the other one from the output parameter determination app.
Answer: Yes, it is possible to set up multiple email addresses as recipients. Output Control offers the Email Recipient determination step (within Output Parameter Determination) to individually configure multiple email addresses and their usage (TO, CC, BCC). The settings in this determination step overwrite the default email address from the business application.
Answer: Case 1: When purchase order workflow is available and activated the purchase order output will be sent to the supplier and marked as Completed when the purchase order is approved. Case 2: When purchase order workflows are not configured the purchase order output will be sent to the supplier and marked as Completed when the purchase order is saved.
Answer: For each entry there is a ‘Print Sequence’ and ‘Printing Priority’ available. If you set two entries to the same value, then the second entry is not printed on the output form.
Answer: There is no draft for output items available, but you can use the duplicate button to work more efficiently.
For each entry there is a ‘Print Sequence’ and ‘Printing Priority’ available. If you set two entries to the same value, then the second entry is not printed on the output form.
The factsheet dynamically picks up the current values for the My Inbox and My Outbox Apps directly from the database. A saved record for an overview of changes being made is available. To see any changes the approver needs to go to the change log of the document.
Case 1: When purchase order workflow is available and activated The purchase order output will be sent to the supplier and marked as Completed when the purchase order is approved. Case 2: When purchase order workflows are not configured The purchase order output will be sent to the supplier and marked as Completed when the purchase order is saved.
Limit Items
You can create limit items for unplanned services or for unplanned materials, that is, services or materials that cannot be specified in detail at the time of ordering. In both cases, you define an expected value, an overall limit and a period of time.
To create an item for a service, you can go to the field limit items when creating a purchase order.
If you record the performed services and their price and quantity using the Manage Service Entry Sheets – Lean Services app, the system displays the Expected Value of the limit item in the service entry sheet and reports an error if the stated amount exceeds the Overall Limit.
If you are creating a new order you can click on the Items tab which will guide you to the given category. You can choose to create an limit item on the right hand side which will open you up a more detailed overview.
You can define the limit amounts in the purchase order item whilst you are creating a limit item with the product type group Service.
You assign the purchase contract to this limit by entering the number of the contract into the Contract for Limit field as the source of supply.
You can use a purchase contract for limit if you want to engage a service provider to repair a machine, but you do not yet know which services are required in detail.
You can create limit items for unplanned services or for unplanned materials, that is, services or materials that cannot be specified in detail at the time of ordering. In both cases, you define an expected value, an overall limit and a period of time.
For example, you can use a purchase contract for limit if you want to engage a service provider to repair a machine, but you do not yet know which services are required in detail. You can use a purchase contract for materials if you want to order goods in general.
Answer: The Purchase orders created from external systems cannot be changed in S/4 systems. If such Purchase Orders shall be changed then this has to be done in the external system which is the leading system in this case.
Answer: No, there is no size limit for API POST transactions. An output of up to 20 error messages is possible.
Answer: The plant in the payload seems to be invalid, please proofread your data…
Answer: API_PURCHASEORDER_PROCESS_SRV supports only standard, subcontracting, enhanced limit and third-party item categories for the PO creation APIs. Pleas refer to the help documentation which also conveys the same; https://help.sap.com/viewer/bb...
Answer: There are two ways the correct functional area can be passed to the PO from the API. So to avoid this problem of a defaulted functional area, consider the following: 1. If the wbs that is used is not a statistical wbs, then the functional area is taken from the API correctly. 2.If you use a statistical wbs, but in addition to the wbs also enter the cost center in the payload, then the functional area from the API is used in this case as well.