FAQ for Trial Offering (Appliance Templates)

Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about working with the 30-day SAP Cloud Appliance Library free trial offering

Trial offering for Appliance Templates

What is the trial offering for an appliance template in SAP Cloud Appliance Library?

You can create an appliance from an appliance template marked with a Trial tag and use it for 30 days without a subscription for SAP Cloud Appliance Library and without having an SAP Product license for the products that are part of the appliance template.

When does the 30 day trial period start?

When you create an appliance from an appliance template for the first time you need to accept the 30-Day Trial Licenses Agreement if you don't have a subscription for SAP Cloud Appliance Library.

As soon as you have accepted this agreement, the 30 day trial will start - even if you stop the creation of the appliance right afterwards or if you finish the creation of the appliance but leave it suspended.

Note that there is also a reminder in the screen stating: The trial period of this appliance template will beginn on the date you accept this agreement.

And it will end extactely 30 days later.

Is a trial appliance completely free for 30 days?

Yes and No: You don’t have to pay anything to SAP. But you need to create the appliance in your hyperscaler environment (AWS, GCP or MS Azure). You have an individual contract with the hyperscaler of your choice. The infrastructure costs will be charged to you by the hyperscaler, not by SAP.

Why do I need a hyperscaler account to run an appliance?

SAP Cloud Appliance Library is a delivery channel and not a managed service offering.

For details on on the hyperscaler configuration see the Learning videos in the community entry page and and the related documents specific questions for <hyperscaler name>. They are also referenced in the support menu in SAP Cloud Appliance Library.

How much will the infrastructure costs be?
Is a trial appliance limited in scope?

Note that, according to the terms and conditions, free trials must not be used for:

  • Development, prototyping or proof of concept for a commercial purpose
  • Hosting a training course or a workshop with employees, partners, or customers
  • Applying commercial license keys or uploading data for production use to the trial systems
  • Demonstration of software to prospective customers
  • Benchmarking against competing third-party products
Is a trial appliance limited in size?

No, you can select from a set of machine sizes we offer as part of the deployment options.

Is there a user limitation in a trial appliance?

No, there is no restriction with regards to user numbers.

What happens after the 30-day trial period?

SAP Cloud Appliance Library checks in principle two things when you create the appliance:

  • Do you have a valid subscription for SAP Cloud Appliance Library?
  • Do you have an SAP Product license that entitles you to run the Appliance beyond trial?

If one of the answers is no, the appliance will be suspended after 30-days and becomes unusable. Note that it will however not be terminated, and the cloud infrastructure cost will be generated. So, if you do not want to use the appliance any longer, you have to terminated it to stop the cloud infrastructure cost.

What do I need to do after the 30-day trial?

You need to decide if you want to continue using the appliance or not.

If you decide not to continue you should terminate it to avoid generating further infrastructure costs. SAP Cloud Appliance Library will not terminate the appliance automatically.

If you decide to keep working with it, you need to purchase a subscription for SAP Cloud Appliance Library and have the SAP Product license(s) for the appliance in place.

How can I resume working with the appliance once it got suspended after the 30-day trial period?

You can use the Unlock function to continue working with the appliance. If you have subscription for SAP Cloud Appliance Library and the required product license(s) Unlock will work.

The Appliance shows the status Suspended in SAP Cloud Appliance Library . You can choose Activate to make it active again.

Refer to this blog to learn more about keeping an expiring appliance.

I had an SAP Cloud Appliance Library subscription when I started the Appliance or purchased a subscription earlier than 30-days after Appliance creation. Will this eat up my trial period?

No, the solution will be regarded as a trial until you actively use the Unlock button.