FAQ for Terms and Conditions (Appliance Templates)
Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about SAP Cloud Appliance Library usage terms for Appliance Templates.
Usage Terms and Support
General Terms and Conditions and in addition a 30-Day Trial License Agreement per appliance template, if it is offered for a 30-day trial period which applies for most of the appliance templates.
You need to accept the General Terms and Conditions when you log in to SAP Cloud Appliance Library for the first time.
You can always refer to them under the section “Legal” in the bottom of the left-hand menu.
You need to accept the 30-Day Trial License Agreement per appliance template you use during the appliance creation process. You can always refer to them in the details view of the dedicated appliance template in SAP Cloud Appliance Library.
Note that, according to the terms and conditions, free trials must not be used for:
- Development, prototyping or proof of concept for a commercial purpose
- Hosting a training course or a workshop with employees, partners, or customers
- Applying commercial license keys or uploading data for production use to the trial systems
- Demonstration of software to prospective customers
- Benchmarking against competing third-party products
All related entry points are listed in the support page of SAP Cloud appliance Library.
As a trial user:
If you use an appliance templates and run it within the 30 day trial period , you can check the SAP community and search for the tag "SAP Cloud Appliance Library". Note that you may also ask a question using "SAP Cloud Appliance Library" as a primary tag.
As a subscribed user:
If you purchased an SAP Cloud Appliance Library subscription package from the SAP Store, you can create a case for the SAP Cloud Appliance Library under the component BC-VCM-CAL. For more information, see this document:
From a community support to a ticket support. Finde the entry point in the support page.