How-to Information for Floorplan Manager
Learn about Floorplan Manager and have a look at our library of how-to guides and videos.
Chart GUIBB Tutorial
Have a look at the Chart GUIBB how-to video - the Chart GUIBB is a generic design template for displaying data in an interactive chart format.
Analytics GUIBB Tutorial
Let's dive into the Analytics GUIBB - the design template which provides a re-usable UI component for the display and interaction of analytical content inside an FPM application.
Attribute Filter Tutorial
Find out more about the Attribute Filter Component for visualizing data distributions into individual attribute values.
Carousel GUIBB Tutorial
With the Carousel GUIBB you can display images within an interactive carousel - let's find out more here.
Chart Component Tutorial
Look into the Chart Component Tutorial to find out more about the generic design template for displaying data in an interactive chart format.
Composite Component Tutorial
Let's have a closer look at the Composite Component, a design template allowing you to group additional application-specific views.
List Productivity Tutorial
Find out more about the List Component here
Tabbed Component Tutorial
The Tabbed Component is used for displaying data in a master/detail format. Let's dive deeper into the topic!
Visual Business Tutorial
This design template helps you display data in an interactive graphic format. Find out more about the VisBiz Component in our how-to video!