Developing SAPUI5 Applications

Learn how to create, extend, and test SAPUI5 applicatiions.

Pictogram of two interlocking gears with a green and yellow gradient section.

Set up your environment

Set Up SAP Business Application Studio for Development (tutorial)
SAP Business Application Studio is a development environment available on SAP Business Technology Platform. Before you can start developing using SAP Business Application Studio, administrators must perform the required onboarding steps that are described in this tutorial.

Develop an SAPUI5 App for SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition with Your Own Dev Tools (tutorial)
Leverage local development tools to build a SAPUI5 app with enabled SAPUI5 flexibility features. The application will be connected to the public Northwind OData service and use enterprise-ready controls that fully leverage the capabilities of the OData protocol.

Getting Ready for UI5 Development with Visual Studio Code (blog series)
This blog you will help you to prepare your local development environment for your UI5 projects. Next to the required installation steps, it also contains a list of useful extension and lesson learned dealing with Visual Studio Code.

Pictogram of an abstract head with colorful segments and radiating lines symbolizing ideas or thinking.

Start building applications

Learn SAPUI5 | Fiori | full course for beginners (video – 5 hours, 45 min)
This video course teaches you everything you need to know to get started with SAPUI5 by going through all 38 steps in the official SAPUI5 Walkthrough tutorial. 

Scale Application Development with SAPUI5 (TechEd Hands-On Session - 2h)
Learn how to build a web application with SAPUI5 following latest recommendations and best practices. You will use the SAP Business Application Studio (BAS) as development environment and build a small freestyle application to get familiar with the latest development tools and recommendations. You can find the exercises and the associated solutions on GitHub.

SAPUI5 and Fiori for ABAPer's (video series)
Watch this 6-part series created for ABAP developers to learn how to develop SAPUI5 applications.

Pictogram of a puzzle piece fitting into another, one is colored white and outlined, the other in gradient from orange to blue.

Start building applications using TypeScript

UI5 & TypeScript (documentation)
The central entry point for everything related to TypeScript in SAPUI5 development.

Learn to use TypeScript for UI5 development (video tutorial - 100 minutes)
If you know UI5 app development, but want to learn how to do it in TypeScript, this tutorial is for you. Andreas Kunz from the UI5 development team guides you through the UI5 TypeScript tutorial and provides valuable hints on how to avoid pitfalls and other background information.

Set up a new UI5 app for TypeScript development (documentation)
Guide explaining step-by-step and command-by-command how you get to a complete UI5 TypeScript setup from scratch.

Getting started with TypeScript for UI5 app development (blog post)
Blog post by UI5 Chief Architect, Peter Muessig, explaining how to use the Easy-UI5 Yeoman generator to kick-start your TypeScript development experience for UI5. 

Using TypeScript in UI5 apps (documentation)
In-depth introduction to TypeScript in UI5 app code with statements about the type definition files provided for UI5, notes on TypeScript UI5 code, how to write UI5 apps in TypeScript, and converting UI5 apps from JavaScript to TypeScript.

Pictogram of a rocket with colorful flames.

Expand your skills

Performance checklist for SAPUI5 apps (blog post)
This blog post points you to some updated as well as newly added performance-related documentation inside the UI5 developer guide. You will learn about the most frequently encountered performance issues and how to address them.

SAPUI5 Flexibility
Learn about SAPUI5 Flexibility and the possibilities to easily adapt and extend the UI of SAPUI5 apps at design-time and runtime.

Work with SAPUI5 Adaptation Projects to Make Changes and Extend the Source Code of an Application Variant of an SAP Fiori Application in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
This group of three tutorials helps you to explore the most important features of SAPUI5 Adaptation Projects. An end-2-end process is described for extending the SAP Fiori Application Manage Credit Accounts. Please note that the three tutorials focus on SAPUI5 Adaptation Projects in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition. The same basic principles and features of SAPUI5 Adaptation Projects similarly apply to SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition. While the first and second tutorials also largely apply to SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, the third tutorial applies specifically to SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Key User Adaptation for SAPUI5 Applications
Learn how Key User Adaptation for SAPUI5 works with a hands-on approach using Demo Apps (no setup required).

Pictogram of a screwdriver and a wrench.

Test your SAPUI5 apps


Testing tutorial (documentation)
In this tutorial you will learn about the testing tools that are delivered with SAPUI5. At different steps of this tutorial you will write tests using QUnit, OPA5, and the mock server. Additionally, you will learn about testing strategies, Test Driven Development (TDD), and much more.  

Unit testing

Testing UI5 applications (blog posts)
In this four-part blog series, learn about unit and integration testing, the mockserver, useful utilities, and advanced testing.

Component testing

Integration testing with One Page Acceptance Tests (OPA5) (documentation)
OPA5 is an API for SAPUI5 controls. It hides asynchronicity and eases access to SAPUI5 elements. This makes OPA especially helpful for testing user interactions, integration with SAPUI5, navigation, and data binding.

System testing

wdi5 (documentation)
wdi5 is a Webdriver.IO service, utilizing UI5's test APIs. It is designed to run cross-platform end-to-end tests on a UI5 application, with selectors compatible to OPA5.  

Development Environments and Tools

Cloud Development EnvironmentTools for Local DevelopmentMiscellaneous
SAP Business Application Studio
Learn about SAP Business Application Studio, a cloud-based development environment that enables you to develop SAPUI5 applications.
UI5 Tooling
Learn about the UI5 Tooling, an open and modular toolchain, released and maintained by the UI5 team, to develop UI5 apps with the IDE of your choice.
Troubleshooting UI5
Learn about the various troubleshooting tools given with UI5.

Low Code Application Development on BTP
Learn you you can build enterprise applications fast with a unified low-code development and automation experience.
Tools and extensions for Visual Studio
Download extensions and tools that provide features including language editor support, code completion, API references, and workspace configuration.
UI5 Org on GitHub
Learn about the various UI5 community projects.

Ready for more? Develop your SAPUI5 skillset by following these prescribed learning journeys and view all missions and tutorials.