SAP Signavio Process Explorer FAQ

This page aims to answer the most frequently asked questions related to SAP Signavio Process Explorer and the content (value accelerators) it delivers, as well as the One Process Acceleration Layer practice to collect and generate value accelerators.


What is SAP Signavio Process Explorer?

The SAP Signavio Process Explorer solution is the gateway for our customers to access and explore a myriad of value accelerators and resources that will help them speed up the time to value of their projects.

The solution provides:

• 7,000 business process models

• Several capability maps for 20 business domains

• Value accelerators for 13 industries with more to come

• Metrics associated with process models for selected scenarios

• SAP best practice and product recommendations

What is the One Process Acceleration Layer practice?
One Process Acceleration Layer is our practice to generate and collect value accelerators. Through One Process Acceleration Layer, we combine the collective knowledge of 25,000 SAP consultants and thousands of projects delivered by SAP and its partner ecosystem.
What is SAP Signavio Process Explorer compared to the One Process Acceleration Layer practice?

One Process Acceleration Layer is the practice to generate and collect value accelerators. SAP Signavio Process Explorer is the product to access and explore value accelerators.

The vision behind the One Process Acceleration Layer is to build up a unified process content layer across SAP. SAP Signavio Process Explorer represents the main gateway to this content, making it easily accessible and explorable.

What are SAP Signavio Value Accelerators?

SAP Signavio Value Accelerators refer to content and resources that help our customers jump start their projects and accelerate time to value. A value accelerator can be specific for a theme (such as product or industry) and may include one or a combination of the following:

• Best-practice process models

• Business capability and solution maps

• Benchmarks, metrics, and dashboards

• SAP best-practices and product-innovation recommendations

• Thought leadership papers, how-to manuals, and videos

• Connectors, integrations, data transformation templates and other technical enablers

SAP Signavio Process Explorer is the gateway to the vast majority of SAP Signavio Value Accelerators.

When was the official release and general availability (GA) of SAP Signavio Process Explorer?
SAP Signavio Process Explorer went GA on January 17th, 2023 and provides access to our content to all our users in a free-of-charge and read-only manner. In parallel, we are running an Early Adopter Care program with nominated customers, allowing them to get the content and import it into their SAP Signavio workspace. However, we will be able to provide the consumption format to all our customers in one of the upcoming releases in 2023-2024.
Do I need a license to access the SAP Signavio Process Explorer?
No license is required to explore the content in a read-only format. However, consuming the content, which means exporting/importing the content into a specific SAP Signavio workspace, requires an SAP Signavio license. To access our SAP Signavio Process Explorer, the user must have an S-, or P-user or be an SAP employee. To request a user ID, click here.

How can the workspace be accessed?
The user can access the SAP Signavio Process Explorer workspace by visiting our SAP Signavio Process Explorer landing page found here.
How can the content be transferred to my workspace?
With General Availability (GA) in January 2023, we offer an Early Adopter Care program with chosen customers until we offer the functionality to all users. This program allows users to request content packages they are interested in and import them in their workspace. Our SAP Signavio consultants will contact the users directly and help them deploy the relevant content packages. However, one of the prerequisites for using the content is to have an SAP Signavio license.


How is it different from business process improvement content? SAP Process Discovery was showing a set of recommendations, too.

SAP Process Discovery was showing a set of recommendations, too.

The mission of the One Process Acceleration Layer practice and the SAP Signavio Process Explorer is to consolidate SAP’s process content, bring it together in one tool, enrich it with intelligence and improvement content and make it available to the entire SAP ecosystem. By doing that, we want to speed up and increase the quality of business transformations and simplify continuous process improvement on the customer side. SAP Process Discovery only takes a one-time snapshot of the source system transaction data and gives recommendations based on that but does not allow continuous improvement. With One Process Acceleration Layer practice we currently do not give customized recommendations that are based on customer ERP data. It is generic.

How does SAP Signavio Process Explorer correlate with SAP Standard Content as part of the industry content?
SAP Standard Content (formerly known as SAP Model Company) is an important content domain that we also offer as part of the SAP Signavio Process Explorer content. However, we offer beyond the SAP Standard Content domain such as SAP Solution Practices, reference architecture and partner content as well.
Will it be possible to upload SAP Signavio models in SAP Cloud ALM solution?
It will be possible to share SAP Signavio models with SAP Cloud Application Lifecycle Manager. However, the integration of SAP Cloud ALM is still a work in progress and scheduled to arrive later.
Will SAP Signavio Process Explorer replace SAP Solution Manager in the future?

SAP Signavio Process Explorer will not replace SAP Solution Manager. With the integration between SAP Signavio and SAP Solution Manager to be delivered later we will offer the opportunity to work with the content in both tools.

Currently, we are integrating content from the SAP Solution Manager into SAP Signavio Process Explorer. This content includes but is not limited to End-to-End scenarios and modular processes. It is also possible to migrate content from SAP Signavio Process Explorer to SAP Solution Manager.

How does SAP Signavio Process Explorer work with SAP API Business Hub which also shows process diagrams?
We are in close collaboration with our colleagues from the API Business Hub. The idea is to integrate process content coming from the SAP Signavio Process Explorer will not replace but rather build up cross-references between the tools.
What is the difference between SAP Signavio Process Explorer and SAP Best Practice Explorer?
The SAP Signavio Process Explorer is, compared to the SAP Best Practice Explorer, a solution, that is completely embedded into the SAP Signavio Process Transformation Suite and accompanies our customers in a comprehensive and uniform experience along their process transformation journey. Compared to only being able to explore the content within the SAP Best Practice Explorer, the utilization of the SAP Signavio Process Explorer will enable our customers to work in a collaborative environment that involves all the relevant stakeholders across the organization and keeps the transparency high. The SAP Best Practice Explorer content will be available in the SAP Signavio Process Explorer with additional information and a more intuitive User Experience that drives a uniform understanding along the business transformation journey. The vision is to create a precise picture of end-to-end processes and define a clear to-be-state.
Is it necessary to gain insights into business processes before exploring our Value Accelerators?
No, our Value Accelerators can be leveraged and understood independently of process insights and knowledge. Our mission is to support companies in their transformation by shortening time to value, fostering continuous process improvement, and empowering them to make smarter and quicker decisions based on our offered content.
Are the End-to-End processes linked to solution processes from the SAP Product Portfolio?
The End-to-End processes of SAP’s Reference Architecture are differently structured than the SAP Solution Processes. One goal of One Process Acceleration Layer practice is to bring these worlds closer together. This is still a work in progress.


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