Open Source and InnerSource Publications

A curated list of Open Source and InnerSource publications (i.e. articles, blog posts, and presentations) from SAP or about SAP (sorted by date).

2025 Publications (events, podcasts, articles, blogs)


Podcast "The Open Source Way"

  • InnerSource Commons. Episode with Danese Cooper, Guilherme Dellagustin (SAP), and Russ Rutledge about InnerSource Commons – the worlds largest community of InnerSource advocates.

Co-authored Publications

2024 Publications (events, podcasts, articles, blogs)

External Presentations

Events hosted by SAP

  • Crossplane Day 2024, hosted by Upbound, Accenture, and SAP in Germany, Berlin, October 2024.

  • SUSE Day at SAP 2024, co-hosted by SUSE and SAP in Germany, St. Leon Rot, October 2024. Recording
  • reCAP 2024, SAP developer conference all around the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) in Germany, St. Leon Rot, June 2024. Recording
  • UI5con 2024, SAP event around UI5 in Germany, St. Leon Rot, June 2024. Recording



  • OpenSearch Software Foundation. Webinar was with Anandhi Bumstead (Director, Software Development, OpenSearch at AWS) and Wolfgang Theilmann (Development Manager BTP at SAP). Both talked about why the project has been transferred into the new OpenSearch Software Foundation, how license changes impact large open source projects such as ElasticSearch and how AWS and SAP now collaborate in the new set-up of the OpenSearch Software Foundation. Recording & Slides
  • Open Source Licenses within the context of AI. Webinar with Georgi Hristov, Licensing Specialist and Legal Counsel, SAP. He gave an overview of the EU legal environment, surrounding AI, talked about restrictions and obligations of licenses used for AI components and gave you examples of technical and regulatory solutions to avoid IP infringement. Recording & Slides
  • How to fight the dependency hell. Webinar with Tobias Gabriel, senior developer in the SAP Open Source Program Office. He showed and demonstrated the use of Renovate for dependency updates, his motivation to contributing to this tool, and talked about SAP’s cultural shift towards automation with dependency management. Recording
  • BTP Solution Diagrams. Webinar about BTP Solution Diagram Repository with Fabian Lehmann and Liza Pilarczyk, SAP. This repository contains an updated design guideline, examples, and libraries to use this in the open source diagramming tool Liza and Fabian gave an overview about this new central entry point and gave insights how this activity is connected with SAP BTP Reference architectures in SAP Discovery Center and how we collaborate with LeanIX in this area. Recording & Slides
  • Code pal - ABAP test cockpit checks for Clean ABAP. Webinar with Thomas Fiedler, Product Owner of ABAP development tools, ABAP Platform; and Bjoern Juelinger, Product Owner of ABAP test cockpit, ABAP Platform about "code pal" - the second open source tool which supports the adoption of Clean ABAP - and how it can help you to easily integrate the Clean ABAP rules into your development. Recording & Slides

Podcast "The Open Source Way"

  • SAP R3 Port to Linux. Episode with Christoph Roland (former SAP) and Harald Kuck (SAP) about the past – when they both ported SAP software stack to Linux back in the 90s. They share anecdotes and insides from the very beginning of Open Source and SAP.
  • CAP Operator. Episode with Sathyajith Krishnan (SAP) and Pavan Nayak (SAP) about CAP Operator – which deploys and manages the lifecycle of multi-tenant SAP Cloud Application Programming Model applications and related components, based on SAP BTP golden path, within a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Garden Linux. Episode with Florian Wilhelm (SAP) about Project Garden Linux – a lightweight, secure Linux distribution optimized for cloud-native environments and container workloads, offering minimal footprint and high performance.
  • Open Resource Discovery (ORD). Episode with Simon Heimler (SAP) about Open Resource Discovery (ORD) – a protocol that allows applications and services to self-describe their exposed resources and capabilities.
  • abapGit. Episode with Michael Schneider and Marc Bernard about abapGit – an open source Git client. In this Podcast episode, we explained and discussed what abapGit is, how it works, what it’s needed for, and how it can be used.
  • EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). Episode with Mirko Boehm, Mike Milinkovich, and Sebastian Wolf on how the European Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is going to transform the OSS ecosystem – from consumption to contribution.
  • Open Source and Universities. Episode with Clare Dillon on how open source and InnerSource transform university collaboration and student learning.

2023 Publications (webinars, podcasts, articles, blogs)

External Presentations



  • Open Source Project ABAP Cleaner. Webinar with Jörg-Michael Grassau, initiator of the ABAP cleaner tool and Senior Developer for S/4 HANA at SAP about the open-source project ABAP cleaner - a configurable tool with the ambition to automate whatever can be automated with respect to ABAP code style - and how you can contribute and use the tool. Recording & Slides
  • Open Sourcing CAP. Webinar with Sebastian Schmidt, Development Manager for CAP; Christian Georgi, Product Owner at SAP; and Richard Lindner, SAP BTP SaaS Expert Developer at SAP about CAP – a framework designed for building cloud applications with Node.js or Java – and how it offers best practices and turnkey solutions for enterprise-level challenges. Recording & Slides
  • Open Component Model (OCM) – Breaking Boundaries with Open Source Collaboration. Webinar with Ingo Kober, Product Owner at SAP; and Jason Kafka, Engineering Manager at SAP about the Open Component Model (OCM) project and how the team navigated through a development culture clash for effective collaboration. Recording
  • Ways of Supporting Open-Source Communities. Webinar with Johannes Bechberger, developer at SapMachine; Andreas Kunz, lead architect at OpenUI5; and Christian Neu, member of the Open Source Program Office; about the growth and management of open source communities and the challenges that accompany it. Recording
  • SAP Cloud SDK - Benefits and Challenges of Open Sourcing. Webinar with MarikaMarszalkowski, Senior Developer in the area of Cloud Innovation at SAP, about the SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript, an open source library that simplifies developing web applications on SAP’s Business Technology Platform. Recording & Slides

Podcast "The Open Source Way"

2022 Publications (webinars, podcasts, articles, blogs)

External Presentations

  • Here be Dragons?! The (hi)story of Open Source at SAP - Sebastian Wolf, FOSS Friday, February 2022
  • How SAP ManagesOpen SourceandInnerSourcewith anOpen Source Program Office - Michael Picht, Airbus, September 2022
  • Copyright and License Compliance in SAP Open Source Projects - Sebastian Wolf, Mercedes-Benz Open Source Meetup, September 2022
  • Copyright- undLizenz-CompliancebeiSAP-Open Source-Projekten (German) - Sebastian Wolf, Bitkom Open Source Forum, September 2022
  • InnerSource is a marathon, not a sprint – the SAP Journey - Guilherme Dellagustin, InnerSource Commons Summit, November 2022


Co-Authored Documents


  • Project Piper - From InnerSource to Open Source. Webinar with Thorsten Duda, product owner at the Continuous Integration and Delivery Service and contributor to project "Piper" at SAP, about this continuous integration and delivery open-source project. Recordings & Slides
  • Open Source at SAP - What's in it for Students. Webinar with Ulrike Fempel, responsible for communication and business development of open source at SAP, discussing with students how they can benefit from open source when diving into a first job opportunity with an open-source project or when making open source part of their thesis or research at SAP. Recording & Slides
  • Copyright and License Compliance in SAP Open-Source Projects. Webinar with Sebastian Wolf, development architect at SAP, about copyright and license compliance in SAP open-source projects and SAP’s "outbound" process that enables teams to start open-source projects or to contribute to existing projects. Recording & Slides
  • Open Source License Compliance with OpenChain. Webinar with Shane Coughlan, OpenChain general manager at the Linux Foundation and Peter Giese, head of the SAP Open Source Program Office, sharing their insights about key requirements of a quality open source compliance program. Recording & Slides
  • Gaia-X, Catena-X, International Data Spaces – Three Initiatives, One Goal. Webinar with Nemrude Verzano, head of Industry 4.0 and Digital Supply Chain Innovation at SAP. Being one of the stakeholders in the Catena-X project, Nemrude explained the common goals of this community-driven lighthouse project. Recording & Slides
  • Navigating Open Source Risk. Webinar with Dawn Foster, director of Open Source Community Strategy at VMware, talking about a wide variety of risks along with ideas for mitigation when using and contributing to open source projects. Recording & Slides

Podcast "The Open Source Way"

2021 Publications (webinars, podcasts, articles, blogs)

External Presentations


Co-Authored Documents


  • UI5 Web Components - Ilhan Myumyun, Stanislava Baltova, and Filip Siderov
  • Open Documentation Initiative - DJ Adams, November 9th
  • ClearlyDefined: Clear License Data for Open Source - Carol Smith, Nell Shamrell-Harrington, Brian Duran, October 19th
  • Eclipse Foundation Europe - Gael Blondelle (Eclipse Foundation Europe) and Matthias Sohn (SAP), September 22nd
  • Gardener - Kubernetes Clusters across different Infrastructures - Frank Heine and Hardik Dodiya, July 27th
  • Clean ABAP - Open Source Project with a Vivid Community - Klaus Häuptle and Florian Hoffmann, June 22nd
  • Open Source Supply Chains - How Attackers Poison the Well - Henrik Plate, May 18th
  • Open Source and Open Standards - From Enemies to Frenemies to Friends and Beyond - Mark Crawford, April 22nd
Podcast "The Open Source Way"

2020 Publications (webinars, podcasts, articles, blogs)

External Presentations


Co-Authored Documents

Podcast "The Open Source Way"