SAP Landscape Management FAQ
Over the last years we have received many questions about the product. We tried to summarize the most asked questions and the related answers on this page. Please check back frequently as we will update it with more content from time to time.
Basic Product Information
SAP Landscape Management is an orchestration and automation solution that simplifies, automates and centralizes the management of your SAP systems running in different infrastructures (on premise, private/public cloud or hybrid). You can find further info about the product and the business benefits on
SAP Landscape Management is available in two editions: SAP Landscape Management, Standard Edition and SAP Landscape Management, Enterprise Edition.
The standard edition is a limited version with basic functionalities. It is available to all SAP customers with at least one active SAP application license and has no additional license cost associated with it.
The enterprise edition is a full version with all features (e.g. system copy/refresh and advanced operations for SAP systems running on SAP HANA) and is available to all SAP customers as a separate licensed product. Please contact your SAP Account Representative for further details.
SAP Landscape Management is shipped as an add-on to SAP NetWeaver (Application Server Java) Release 7.5 Support Package Stack 17 or later. SAP announced the end of mainstream maintenance for SAP NetWeaver 7.5 for 2027 (see SAP Note 1648480).
SAP Landscape Management 3.0 follows the SAP Release and Maintenance Strategy and will provide mainstream maintenance until the end of 2027 with both enterprise edition and standard edition. Currently, there are no plans to offer an extended maintenance after that point in time. This is documented in the SAP Note 3375877.
Installation, Configuration, and Operation
Yes, there are certain prerequisites for using SAP Landscape Management as it consists of several software components. The SAP Landscape Management software itself is shipped as an add-on to SAP NetWeaver (Application Server Java). The minimum SAP NetWeaver version for SAP Landscape Management 3.0 SP20 or later is SAP NetWeaver Release 7.5 Support Package Stack 17.
Depending on the product edition that you are using (standard or enterprise edition) and the product functionality that you would like to use, there are certain additional components required.
The minimum dependency for managed systems is the SAP Host Agent which must be running on each managed host. Both SAP as well as non-SAP systems require the SAP Host Agent for them to be managed via SAP Landscape Management.
You can find an overview of current Partner integrations here.
For further information please check the collective SAP Note 2350235.
You can find the Installation and Configuration Guides on SAP Help Portal.
We are not recommending to install SAP Landscape Management and SAP Solution Manager on the same host. Both solutions might have different requirements of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java. Running both of these systems in the same host may cause performance degradation and moreover, in case of a system performance issue, it would become very difficult to diagnose and troubleshoot the root cause.
SAP Solution Manager addresses Application Lifecycle Management for SAP systems (ALM). SAP Landscape Management enables running SAP systems on hybrid infrastructures and addresses infrastructure layer complexities. In addition, SAP Landscape Management provides additional capabilities such as a framework for automated system copy/refresh and which deal with the complexities of both the infrastructure and the applications through a single tool.
Post-Copy Automation or "PCA" automates the tasks you are manually doing when you copy or refresh your SAP system. PCA is a component of SAP Landscape Management, Enterprise Edition. You can find related info on the SAP Help Portal under ABAP Post-Copy Automation and Java Post-Copy Automation and FAQ for Java PCA.
Yes. Even though we use the SAP standard BDLS functionality we have optimized it in several ways. As you probably are aware, the normal BDLS is a single task which means everything is sequential. With the SAP Landscape Management PCA task list we enable parallel processing with up to 26 tasks which already speeds up things significantly. In addition it is possible to convert multiple logical system names in one run.
The second major point is that the standard BDLS goes through every table independently if a conversion is needed or not. We address this with a preparation task. This task runs before the copy and actual conversion, scans all the tables and creates a list of the tables that actually need a conversion. This list is then read after the copy and only those tables that really need a conversion are being processed.
These features of the SAP Landscape Management ABAP Post-Copy Automation lead to significantly reduced runtimes.
Integration/Third-Party Systems
Yes, SAP Landscape Management supports the management and monitoring of non-SAP systems and applications and this capability of SAP Landscape Management is called “custom instances”. Technically, any application that can be detected as a service running an operating system can be detected and managed by SAP Landscape Management.
SAP Landscape Management provides the following functionality for non-SAP systems (some examples of typical non-SAP systems would be middleware systems like Tibco/Biztalk, non-SAP data warehousing solutions etc.):
- Performing basic monitoring and management of non-SAP systems such as starting or stopping a system, collecting basic monitoring data such as CPU usage, memory usage, running state etc.
- Performing mass-operations on non-SAP systems such as mass-start or mass-stop
For additional info please search for "custom instances" on the SAP Help Portal for SAP Landscape Management.
SAP Landscape Management has some integration with TDMS. SAP Landscape Management triggers the standalone scrambling feature of TDMS during the end-2-end system refresh process.
Search for "TDMS" on the SAP Help Portal for SAP Landscape Management.