SAP GUI Family

All you need to know about the members of the SAP GUI Family (SAP GUI for Windows, SAP GUI for Java, and SAP GUI for HTML)

Universal Clients for Accessing SAP Systems

SAP GUI is SAP's universal client for accessing SAP functionality in SAP applications such as - SAP ERP, SAP Business Suite (SAP CRM, SAP SCM and SAP PLM), SAP Business Intelligence and so on. SAP GUI functions like a browser. It gets information from the SAP server like what, where, when and how to display contents in its window. All members of the SAP GUI family have unique attributes that make them especially suited for different user environments. SAP GUI comes in the following three different flavors:

SAP GUI for Windows

SAP GUI for Windows is an implementation especially designed for the Windows operating system, providing a Windows-like user experience and integration with other applications, based on OLE interfaces or ActiveX controls.

SAP GUI for the Java Environment

SAP GUI for the Java environment is a unified SAP frontend for multiple platforms. It is based on a platform-independent architecture and Java implementation. As a major benefit, it provides access to SAP applications that are based on Control-Enabling and therefore used to be reserved for Windows users in the past. Please, note that SAP GUI for Java is also available on Windows. 


SAP GUI for HTML automatically maps the screen elements in SAP transactions to HTML using HTML Business functions available within the SAP Internet Transaction Server. A web browser is sufficient to access almost all transactions. Please note: Since SAP GUI for HTML is an application running on the ITS, you find corresponding information on the ITS Wiki page. The SAP Screen Personas 3.0 editor is run in the SAP GUI for HTML after you install the SAP Screen Personas add-on.


February, 2025
SAP GUI for Java 7.80 rev 10 is available for download on SAP Service Marketplace. Release notes can be found in SAP note 3204106. System requirements are available in SAP note 3204095. The new features are also listed in this blog.
Support ends March 31, 2025. Consider to install the 8.10 version instead.
January, 2025
SAP GUI for Java 8.10 rev 2 is available for download on SAP Service Marketplace. Release notes can be found in SAP note 3485691. System requirements are available in SAP note 3485708. The new features are also listed in this blog.
January, 2023
SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 is available for download on SAP Support Portal. You find more information in the corresponding blog
January, 2023
The extension "SAP GUI connector for Microsoft Edge" is available in the Microsoft Edge Add-Ons Store. If this extension is installed and enabled, SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 and above versions can open a tab in the regular Edge browser instead of the limited window. What is meant with limited window?:
When an application invokes Edge browser (for outplace rendering) using SAP Edge HTML control through method CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER=>DETACH_URL_IN_BROWSER, the newly created window hosting webview2 does not contain a navigation bar, navigation buttons or a menu bar. It is also not possible to group multiple opened windows into a single window using tabs or to edit the URL in the opened browser window. Due to technical limitations of WebView2 and Edge compared to Internet Explorer, the solution required substantial changes in SAP GUI for Windows and, therefore, a new browser extension is delivered via the Microsoft Edge Add-Ons Store.
March, 2022
SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 PL06 is available for download on SAP Service Marketplace.

Platform Support and Maintenance Strategy

You find information on the supported platforms in the Support Matrix for SAP GUI for Windows, the Support Matrix for SAP GUI for Java or in SAP GUI section of the Product Availability Matrix (PAM).


UI-specific information

Under the following links, you find the online help for the members of the SAP GUI family with all available guides (end user, administration, configuration, development etc.):

General Information

  • Frontend Network Requirements (SAP Support Portal Login required!)
    Distributed landscapes today lead to the fact that an increasing number of users connect to a central system from dispersed sites with varying degrees of available bandwidth. As a consequence, user access is through local area network (LAN) and wide area network WAN (dial-up, frame relay, Internet, etc.). This paper contains a description of SAP's frontend characteristics from both a LAN and a WAN perspective.
    Please note that this paper does not discuss server-to-server traffic or printing.
  • Google ALV Integration
    • Export of ALV Grid Data to Google Sheets: This document shows you how to implement and configure the export of ALV grid data directly to Google Drive and display exported data automatically in Google Sheets.
      If you have questions concerning this functionality, you can ask your question here in the SAP Community. Please, use ABAP Development as primary tag and choose alv as additional user tag. You find an overview of all ALV questions under:
    • Sample Code on GitHub
      To help you create the necessary classes and interfaces in the ABAP Workbench, sample code has been made available under this GitHub link.


Update on the SAP GUI Family

This presentation explains the different types of SAP GUI (for Windows, for Java, for HTML) and when to use them.


For download and maintenance information, click on one of the following links (SAP Support Portal Login is required. In case of download problems, check SAP note 1037574):

ComponentInstallationsPatchesImportant Notes
SAP GUI for Java
SAP GUI for Windows
SAP Screen Reader Extensions

* Note: You need the SAP GUI Screenreader Extensions on your client PC to use the accessibility mode in SAP GUI for Windows (with Screenreaders).

Release Information

You find information on the expected release dates for SAP GUI patches/revisions in the following notes (SAP Support Portal login required!):

To stay up to date with the patches and in order to get a trigger (e-mail) once a new patch has been delivered, subscribe to the corresponding note. How one can subscribe to a note is described here.

You find information on the function scope of a release in the following release notes: