SAP Cloud Transport Management FAQ
Find all relevant information and offerings around SAP Cloud Transport Management (CTMS) in this FAQ page.
Get to know SAP Cloud Transport Management
Commercialization / Pricing
The artifacts that are transported using CTMS are persisted in the service. This is the main cost driver for running the service. The charges for CTMS are designed to cover the costs for offering the service.
The charging of CTMS is based on the amount of data uploaded to it when creating new transport requests. The import to target environments is not charged separately irrespective of how often this happens. The cost is based on 1 GB of uploaded data per month. So if you, for example, upload 3 GB per month you will be charged three times the cost of the one GB block (which is around 18 EUR at the time this FAQ was created).
The size of the artifacts to be uploaded greatly varies depending on the use case we are talking about. When transporting, for example, single iFlows of SAP Cloud Integration, this can be as small as a few kilobytes. On the other end of the spectrum, you can find complete portal sites or complex applications which can reach a few hundred megabytes. This means that within 1 GB you can upload between a few thousand small or less than ten huge artifacts. As said, once uploaded you can deploy these artifacts to as many targets as needed without additional costs.
CTMS is available via cloud credits (Cloud Platform Enterprise Agreement - CPEA) and you can use it in Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) mode.
Additionally, CTMS is bundled with some specific offerings (currently SAP Cloud ALM and Integration Suite, Premium Edition).
For test purposes, you can evaluate the service in SAP BTP free tier.
For details, please check the information concerning CTMS in the SAP Discovery Center.
There are three differences:
- The file quota for persisting transported artifacts is 50 GB in the standard plan and 2 GB in the free plan.
- The life time of artifacts, after they have been imported in all relevant target systems, is 30 days in the standard and 7 days in the free version. As long as a transport is still waiting to be imported the attached artifact is not deleted.
- It is not possible to create customer tickets for issues with the free version. You will have to rely on SAP Community to answer your questions.
Besides that, there is no functional limitation in the free plan, for example. regarding the number of transport nodes that can be created, or the number of transports that can be performed.
CTMS itself runs in the Cloud Foundry (CF) environment, so you need at least one CF subaccount to subscribe to CTMS. However, the transport targets can be your Neo subaccounts. So you can manage also your Neo transports with CTMS, in addition to transports between Cloud Foundry subaccounts.
Please check the list of currently supported content types in the Supported Content Types topic of the CTMS documentation on the SAP Help Portal.
To find out what is planned for future versions look into the CTMS roadmap.
Yes, this is possible. The only prerequisite is that the target account is reachable via a destination. Then transports are possible across global accounts or even data centers (regions).
CTMS allows you to transport SAP Cloud Integration/SAP Integration Suite content both on package and on iFlow/artifact level. See the blog post "SAP Cloud Integration – Transport at Artifact Level" on SAP Community.
This information can be found in the What's New section of the CTMS documentation on SAP Help Portal.
Please have a look at the CTMS roadmap.
Please open the Continuous Influence Session for SAP Business Technology Platform. Here, you can, for example, search for keywords like 'transport' to find relevant requests to join.
Please check the topic "Integrating the Service" in the CTMS documentation on SAP help portal.
There are three options depending on your requirements:
- Use the SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery service on SAP BTP. It offers predefined pipelines which include (among others) a step to upload content to CTMS. Please see the blog post "Achieve Continuous Integration and Delivery using DevOps services in SAP Cloud Platform" on SAP Community, or the video playlist "DevOps with SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP)" on YouTube for details.
- Use the pipeline templates for CTMS: : Integrate SAP Cloud Transport Mangement Into Your CI/CD Pipeline. Project Piper is an open source project providing templates and a step library for building CI/CD pipelines for typical SAP workloads.
- Use the public APIs of CTMS. If none of the above options suits your needs you can build your own pipelines based on the public APIs of CTMS. For more information, see also the topic "Integration of Cloud Transport Management Using APIs" in the CTMS documentation on SAP Help Portal.
Yes, CTMS can be integrated into
- SAP Solution Manager Change Request Management (ChaRM) and Quality Gate Management (QGM) as of SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SPS10. Please see the topic "Change Control Management Using SAP Cloud Transport Management" in the SAP Solution Manager documentation on SAP Help Portal.
- SAP Solution Manager Focused Build Release Management as of Focused Build SP8.
- SAP Cloud ALM Deployment Management as of May 2022. Please see the topic "SAP Cloud Transport Management Service" in the SAP Cloud ALM documentation on SAP Help Portal.
Yes, please check out the CTMS area on the SAP API Business Hub.