SAP on IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Want to get information about running IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows in an SAP environment? Here you’ll find product documentation, blogs, articles, Q&As, SAP Notes, and more.

Expert Content

Advanced Log Space Management (ALSM)

ALSM helps you avoid transaction log full situations and speed up rollback processing. Read on to learn more and watch the video.

Blog Post: Advanced Log Space Management (ALSM)

Blog Post: Using the DBA Cockpit for Monitoring ALSM


Newspaper pictogram

DBA Cockpit

Find out how you can use the DBA Cockpit for database administration and monitoring tasks regarding performance, space, backup, configuration, diagnostics, and more.

View Documentation

Video: Monitoring Network Statistics in the DBA Cockpit

Cluster pictogram


What’s the benefit of using transparent tables over cluster tables on Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows? 

Read the blog post

Server pictogram

Prefetching Concepts

Check out the following blog post about prefetching on the client side. To learn about the prefetching model on the database server side, read the IBM white paper:

Blog Post: New Query Block Prefetch Feature with Db2 11.5.6

IBM White Paper: Db2 Prefetching: Understanding, Configuring, Monitoring, Tuning