Business Content

This page contains all the information you need around business content for SAP Datasphere from SAP and partners, including latest release updates, hot news, and links to further resources and blogs.



Those who have been around with SAP and Analytics, know that business content has a long-standing history within SAP. You will easily recognize concepts and be able to leverage content in your SAP Datasphere implementation quickly.

Those that are new to the topic – no worries! I will include all information here, independent of where you are coming from. And if you miss any information, please use the comments in one of our blogs or directly send a mail to and we will help you along.

As mentioned, business content is not a new topic for SAP, but it is a core asset and differentiator for us to support you as a customer on your journey. Based on SAPs content history (Business Content for BW, BW/4HANA, SAP Analytics Cloud content), it felt most natural to us to continue with content creation and delivery for our new data warehousing offering in the Cloud.

SAP Datasphere content may come stand-alone. SAP Analytics Cloud content with ready-to-run visualizations and analysis typically exist next to SAP Datasphere content and would fit to data models in Datasphere content.

Business Content for SAP Datasphere does not come from SAP alone. Our partners have been included from the start, expanding the reach of content by adding their experience and knowledge about SAP and non-SAP data sources. SAP Datasphere content helps you jump-start your project, accelerate the implementation or get inspirations on relevant measures and KPIs for Industry, line-of-business or cross analytics scenarios.

SAP Community content

In October 2023, we have opened a new chapter with the introduction of SAP Community content. SAP Community content starts, where the Business Content ends. It offers additional scenarios to jump start your analytics, get inspired and accelerate your projects.

As Community content we offer demos, technical samples, consulting best practices, snippets and similar assets that will round off the already available Business content packages.

Community content uses GitHub as new delivery channel.

Find more information on how to install the SAP Community content in our documentation here. Directly access the SAP Community Git here and follow the description to retrieve and install a Community content package in your tenant.

Please find in the SAP Community section below the currently available packages. Don't forget to check back frequently to learn about package additions as this delivery channel will not follow the quarterly release cycle of the Business content, but packages will be continuously added.


Latest Updates

2024/11/18: SAP Datasphere content Q4/2024 has been released. Find the new packages below.

The SAP Analytics Cloud content comes in a dedicated Analytics Cloud content package. Find all information on the Analytics Cloud content package also in the Analytics Cloud community page here.


What is SAP Datasphere content?

Similar to other content for BW / BW/4HANA or SAP Analytics Cloud, business content for SAP Datasphere offers ready to run pre-configurations that jump start and accelerate your project. Basically, any object in SAP Datasphere can be included in a content package (e.g. Data Builder objects like tables, views, Facts or Analytic Models.

The content includes pre-defined models, that are typically based on existing SAP data sources, and also non-SAP data sources primarily in Partner content packages. Find a description per business content package what is included: list of objects, measures, KPI, data sources. Packages are targeted for an industry or a line of business (LoB). In addition, content covers cross scenarios, like a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) dashboard, which combines data from multiple applications such as S/4HANA Cloud and SuccessFactors.

Business content can always be connected to your own data. In some case, content comes with optional sample data – depending on how a package has been setup, if it is a trial package or if it is a paid content.

The content also provides helpful templates to explore the SAP Datasphere functionality.

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SAP Business Content

Please navigate to the SAP Datasphere content documentation for details of what is included in each package, how to install and use it.

Find here an overview of the currently available content packages.

New or updated packages in the most recent release are marked as NEW.


How to access, install and use the content?

All SAP Datasphere content packages can be accessed through the Content Network. For SAP Community content, please follow the documentation here.

SAP content packages can be found in the Business Content category in the content network, all packages from your partners are listed in the 3rd Party Business Content category. In addition find sample content in the Samples Category.

Find more information about the Content Network in the SAP Datasphere documentation Administrator Guide here.

Find partner content packages also listed in the SAP Store.

Once you have identified a suitable package that you want to import, proceed as follows:

  1. Check all details of the package in the package description in the content network. In case the package is for free / a trial package, you can directly import it.
    If it is a paid content, you will be re-directed to a page where details are explained. Once a contract has been signed, you may continue with the content import (see example below).
  2. Follow the instructions How to install the content package.
  3. Finally Import the business content package.

After the content has been imported successfully into your SAP Datasphere tenant the content needs to be deployed before it can be used. Either use the option "Deploy after Import" while importing the content package from the Content Network, or use the deployment / mass deployment option in SAP Datasphere to deploy the content.

The documentation (for SAP packages) provides further detail of the content and relevant information: how to use and activate the content and how to use sample data (if available). For Partner packages, follow the instructions in the package description or contact the partner. Contact information is either available in the package description or may be found in the SAP Store.

Screenshot Content Sample SAP Datasphere

Example: Finance for SAP S/4HANA Cloud content package