SAP Cloud Applications Studio FAQ
Get to know some frequently asked questions for the SAP Cloud Applications Studio, from Lifecycle Management phases, the ABSL programming language, Business Configuration settings to the Mass Data Run and much more.
FAQ for Lifecyle Management
The SAP Cloud Applications Studio is a client application installed on the developer’s computer and connects using a secure SSL connection to the SAP Cloud for Customer System. A deployment describes the life-cycle step which copies (deploys) a solution using the SAP Cloud Applications Studio from one tenant to another.
Please refer to the below blog for further details:
1.Go to the SAP Software Download Center at
2. Click Installations & Upgrades Access downloads.
3. The system opens the Software Downloads window.In the Search field, enter Studio XXXX where XXXX stands for the studio release version. The system gives you a list of the available studio versions.
4. Click the required SAP CLOUD APP STUDIO product version. The system takes you to your company’s download catalog.
5. Click the Downloads tab, select your solution, and click the arrow icon. Choose the required solution and click Download Basket from the list of available actions.
You should have the latest Cloud Application Studio installed on your laptop/PC. After this you must configure your user and connection details.
Please refer to the below blog for further details:
Consistency Check is a feature wherein developers can check the consistency in the background. This does not freeze the Cloud Applications Studio and you can process with further development activities in your add-on.
Please refer to the below blog for further details:
Split Assembly is a feature which allows the developer to have an extra option to execute Activate, Assembly and Download steps as independent steps. This split feature can run asynchronous in the backend, therefore the execution time for Activate, Assemble and Download shall be reduced significantly.
Please refer to the below blog for further details:
If you are uploading an updated version of an add-on in a tenant and this add-on also resides in other tenants within the same system landscape, then this add-on will be automatically updated in the other tenants as well. This functionality helps to re triggers the automatic upload and activation of the add-on in tenants where deployment had been unsuccessful.
- Open the Cloud Applications Studio
- Open the corresponding Add-On
- Go to the Implementation Manager section
- Go to the Tenant status tab
- In the Information Area section, you will be able to see the logs.
Production Bug Feature enables you to make changes to ABSL files and fix bugs directly in the pre- production/production system. Please refer to the below blog for further details:
Delta activation allows activation of certain content types like .bo or .xbo to be skipped if no changes were detected to allow faster assembly times of add-on.
Please refer to the below blog for further details:
To overcome this constraint and support deletion, the feature of allowing deletion of delivered objects (DODO) is introduced. Kindly refer below blog for below details
FAQ for Scripting topic
You can use the Dump Analysis tool window to list the runtime errors that have occurred in the tenant to which you have logged on.
If the Dump Analysis tool window is not visible in the studio, you can access it by clicking View->Dump Analysis .
You can use debugging to observe the runtime behavior of your solution and to locate logic errors. For more information related to debugging you may refer to the help documentation available in SDK.
The Run Performance Check can be used on the following content types :
- Business Object(.bo)
To find improvements in your solution, use the Run Performance Check option.
To execute the Run Performance Check at solution level, right click the solution and click Run Performance Check.
For more information related to this option you may refer to the following link
You can specify whether a script file is to be executed for multiple instances of business object nodes, which is referred to as mass enabling.
If you work with mass-enabled script files, consider the following:
- To mass enable a script file, you select the Mass Enable checkbox in the Create Script Files dialog box.
- If you want to modify a mass-enabled script file so that it can only be executed for single instances of business object nodes, you need to delete the script file first and then re-create it.
This might happen because, in your business logic:
- You have not changed the instance of the node for which you are expecting the script to be called.
- If it is a standard button (action) that is affected then ensure that the action the partner is using corresponds to the correct action on that standard button
- Check if the file is activated.
- If it is a custom field, and it is not being updated / if it is a custom button, ensure the field / button is on the same node that the script file is on.
FAQ for Business Configuration
All the scoping decisions and fine-tuning data is lost, and the solution is no longer available for scoping. You will also receive a warning message when you click the disable button in the Implementation Manager.
Code value comes up in the drop down if the field’s field type is defined as an Attribute instead of Description in the BCO file. Always create a Description field in the BCO if you want to see text value in the drop downs.
To see custom fine-tuning activity in the project activity list, you must fulfil the following prerequisites:
- In the Business Adaptation Catalog (BAC) file, ensure you have selected the ‘Visible in Scoping’ checkbox.
- You have marked the Business Configuration Sets assigned to the Business Options as fine-tuning relevant (add and delete in fine-tuning).
- You have already created the Business Configuration Views. We recommend that you create the BC View in the same version in which the Business Configuration Object was created.
This happens when you update the metadata after opening the BC View in UI Designer. Metadata update changes the CCTS type of the BC Set field from “text” to “Code” resulting in the issue. Therefore, you must not update a metadata after opening the BC View in UI Designer.
FAQ for Webservice
This might happen if the Communication Arrangement (URL, path, port) is not configured properly. Try reactivating it, checking for activation errors, and testing the service again. You can also see if Check Service and Check Connection actions are successful in the Communication Arrangement.
This error is raised when you do not enter the BO view name in one of the Web Services. Entering a BO view name is usually not mandatory but is required when you create two Web Services on the same BO.
BO node without an alternative key cannot be updated, it can only be created. You can instead write ABSL logic in an AfterModify or BeforeSave event on the Root node to update fields on subsequent nodes. The ABSL logic will be executed when a Web Service request payload is received by the system for the BO.
This error indicates there was an exception raised during the processing of the Web Service request payload by the SAP System. You should check the Dump Analysis tool in the SAP Cloud Application Studio to determine if ABSL logic is at fault. If you cannot find a resolution, please open an incident with SAP Product Support.
You must deploy Business Configuration first for it to work.
1. Open the SAP Cloud Applications Studio.
2. Open Solution in My Solutions tab.
3. Right-click on Solution in Solution Explorer.
4. Select Deploy Business Configuration and choose the second option in the pop-up.
FAQ for Mass Data Run
When a job execution fails with a dump, the mass data run framework does not get the control back from the application. Therefore, the status is not updated.
To find the correct status of the application log instance, please follow the below steps:
1. Select the mass data run instance.
2. Click on “View Jobs.”
3. Select “Run Jobs” from the “Schedule Jobs” drop down.
4. The status of the job tells you the correct status.
To avoid situations like these, make sure you handle the logic of the action linked to the mass data runs.
You can also achieve this by handling the “Avoid Dumps” suggestions from the “Performance Tips.”
Performance of a job heavily depends on the action logic. Make sure the code of the action is optimized. Use the “Performance Tips” feature available on the context menu of ABSL file to achieve the same.
To improve the performance of a mass data run object you could do the following:
• Check if parallel processing is enabled.
• Check performance tips on the corresponding action script of the mass data run.
• Check if you can refine the selection criteria to retrieve a smaller set of data for your mass data run
You can navigate with the below steps to find the job logs for scheduled mass data run.
1. Go to Administrator Work Center
2. Go to the Background Jobs view
3. For Background Jobs, select All Scheduled Jobs.
4. Check View Job Log and then Application Log.
The retention time of the application logs are as follows: Short (1 Day), Medium (1 Week), or Long (1 Month). If the retention time is expired, the application log is deleted during the next execution of the mass, hence we do not see the error logs after retention time. You can set the retention time while create the mass data run.
Parallel processing works the best in below cases
- The mass data run selection parameters would retrieve vast number of records to process.
- Remember the action logic does not matter for parallel processing to work. If you query 1 million records in the action logic, but the mass data run selection parameters retrieve only 10, then parallel processing will not work. It is only the number of instances retrieved via MDRO selection parameters that count.
- Do not enable parallel processing for MDROs where there is a chance of 2 or more instances changing the same object (standard or custom). This creates locking issues which will result in a job failure.
When parallel processing is enabled, each package times out after 10 hours and the system will only process 6 packages at a time. This means that if there are 12 packages, the mass data run can run for 20 hours as each package has 50 instances so the above scenario could happen if there are a total of 600 instances selected by the mass data run.
FAQ ( FAQ for UI designer Issues)
A common reason for exceptions is because of multiple changes from different users on the same UI component. This can create duplicate Change Transactions (CTs) and result in inconsistencies. To avoid this please ensure to do below things:
- Update Metadata when UI component is opened to load recent changes.
- Save and activate the UI component once the changes are done from your end.
If such error occurs and there are red dots on any component under that particular solution in Cloud Studio then it means Solution has inactive contents. Activate all those components (with red dots on it) separately and then finally activate the solution.
When a screen is created by selecting navigation scenario in Cloud Studio, a set of UI components are created based on the selected navigation. All the UI components are referenced by one another. For deleting such UI components, you need to delete them from top to bottom level reference approach. This is because all the child level UI components will have a reference in it's parent UI component.
For example: OWL will have a reference in WCVIEW which in turn will be referred by Work Center (WCF). Try deleting in this order: WCF, WCVIEW, OWL, QC, QV, TI, TT
In case, WCF is referred by any PDI anchor then first this PDI anchor or the reference needs to be removed then follow above steps.
Please check the anchor modelling for particular field group , Add Extension Field to Section Group will only be available for Extension Anchor.
Example scenario you can find in below Blog:
‘Add Extension Field to Section Group ‘ missing in the Extensibility Explorer of UI Designer SDK
You should defined an anchor for the query defined in the UI Designer .
Example scenario you can find in below Blog:
Please refer to the KBA 2338075 - How to define Basic search option using SADL query
In the generated AddCondition CT, the Visible and Enable properties are followed by the "and" operator.
Example: If one CT with Visible property is "FALSE" then the field's VISIBILITY will always remain FALSE irrespective of any number of CT on that field. You would need to delete the contradicting CT under Adjust Properties operation.
There are no anchors provided by the SAP application team. These are required for partners to enhance a UI element. You can open an incident with valid business use case to release an anchor for certain UI elements such as button, button group, section group, list, tab and more.
In the properties tab in the UI Designer, ensure the Enabled and Visible properties are set to true for the button. You can then further check if there are any conditions maintained by a key user in Adaptation Mode that are modifying the property
There could be multiple reasons for RBAM authorization, following are few among them :
First of all, update your Cloud Studio to latest version. Update option in Cloud Studio does not always work so it’s better to uninstall studio and then reinstall it again from Service Market place.
Now follow the steps:
- Find the UI component where such RBAM issue is occurring.
- Open the solution in studio.
- Find the Partner BO on top of which this UI component was built.
- Check for the UI components with extension .TT or .uiwocview built on top of that BO. Open those UI components in UI designer.
- Check under properties for ShortID of that UI component.
- Complete ShortID text should be in upper case as per RBAM policy guidance.
- If the ShortID has any character in lower case then you need to delete that UI component and recreate using Create screen wizard on top of the BO. This time it will create the UI component with ShortID completely in upper case.
- If the original UI created was using the option - "Select Screen" to create screens individually then you should create the new screen using same way.
- But, If the original UI created was using options other than "Select Screen" to create a set of screens with navigation then you should create the new screen using same way using that same navigation option but before that you need to delete all other UI components built along with that affected UI component on top of that Partner BO because this option creates all set of UI along with referencing each other components used for navigation.[ All those UI components having same short ID as the affected UI component needs to be deleted ]