SAP Process Orchestration
Welcome to the community homepage for SAP Process Orchestration including Business Process Management, Business Rules Management, and Process Integration. Find the latest blogs, Q&A, and more. Join our community to improve your skills and reputation.
Find out about the planned innovations and the future direction of SAP Process Orchestration.
Navigate directly to the SAP Road Map Explorer.
For more details, read the roadmap blog post.
Read the Way Forward and Recommended Actions blog post.
SAP Integration Suite comes with two new capabilities to support the transition from SAP Process Orchestration to the cloud: The Migration Assessment and the Migration tool. In addition to our tools, SAP and our partners provide necessary services supporting the transition journey.
For more information on the new tools and the established services check out this blog post.
Also, check out the SAP Process Orchestration migration guide about best practices for the move to SAP Integration Suite. This guide is constantly updated.
Still on older releases of SAP Process Integration / SAP Process Orchestration? Then, the following blogs help you when planning the upgrade or migration to the latest release 7.5.
Read the blog post about upgrade and migration options.
Read the blog post providing you an upgrade and migration checklist.

What's new?
Check out what has been recently shipped with SAP Process Orchestration and its add-ons.

Trial at SAP Cloud Appliance Library
Get your hands dirty. Access the new trial system on SAP Cloud Appliance Library. The solution comprises an SAP Process Orchestration 7.5 SP28 system including the b2b add-on 2.0, the secure connectivity add-on 1.0, and the connectivity add-on 2.0 as well as a couple of pre-defined demo scenarios to familiarize yourself with the basic capabilities and the new features of SAP Process Orchestration.