SAP Extended Warehouse Management

Stay up-to-date with the latest product news and learn about new features of SAP EWM. Blog about your experiences with EWM, ask questions of the community, and receive the responses you need to your every question. Network with SAP professionals and share your thoughts with the world.

Getting started

SAP EWM Documentation & Sources

In this section you can find the help portals for what is new and what has changed since the last release for SAP EWM, as well as a comprehensive list of available How-To Guides for SAP Extended Warehouse Management.

How-To Guides for SAP Extended Warehouse Management, Extended Warehouse Management as Part of SAP S/4HANA and more

List of SAP EWM on SAP S/4HANA "What's New" Presentations 


SAP EWM 9.5 Documentation

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Warehouse Management Documentation & Sources

We collected some useful links for SAP Warehouse Management (WM). These links might be more useful for someone new to WM, but even experienced users or consultants might find some of these links interesting.

List of SAP S/4HANA Cloud WM "What's New" Presentations 

SAP S/4HANA Cloud WM What's New Viewer

SAP Help Documentation for WM

WM Microlearnings

In-Depth with SAP S/4HANA Series

APIs for Warehousing

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Upgrade & Maintenance Schedules:

SAP Warehouse Insights

SAP Warehouse Insights, a secure, advanced planning tool in the cloud, optimizes warehouse operations real-time, improves resource utilization, visualizes warehouse layout and provides insights across warehouses

Online Help
Solution Summary
FAQ & trouble shooting
Integration with EWM
Access all of our How-to Guides

SAP Warehouse Robotics

SAP Warehouse Robotics helps automating warehouse operations with accelerated onboarding of multiple robotics vendors, supporting optimal decision-making and efficient task orchestration. With businesses today facing labor issues and pressures to achieve operational excellence in their warehousing activities, the opportunity to flexibly and easily deploy a fleet of robots collaborating with human workers efficiently becomes key. The solution offers a robot-vendor agnostic architecture enabling efficient integration of multiple robot-vendors together with dynamic warehouse task orchestration capabilities to best manage human-robot collaboration.

Online Help
Solution One Pager

FAQ & trouble shooting

Integration with EWM


Integration Guide for Geek+ Robot Management System
Five Steps to Integrate SAP Warehouse Robotics with Non-SAP Fleet Management Systems
List of How-to-Guides for SAP Warehouse Robotics


Our product experts will provide you interesting deep dives into different EWM topics. If you want to understand everything down to the very last detail, these podcast series are the right place to check.

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