SAP Enterprise Contract Assembly FAQ
This page contains frequently asked questions and answers about various topics related to SAP Enterprise Contract Assembly. For more detailed information, check the documentation for SAP Enterprise Contract Assembly. Go to SAP Help Portal and type "enterprise contract assembly" in the search field. In the search results, choose "SAP Enterprise Contract Assembly".
Manage Legal Templates App
See the following topic in the User Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Enterprise Contract Assembly:
No. You cannot copy a template and use it to create a new template. You can save a new version of the existing template.
Choose < on the top left corner of the app header.
The Side toolbar and Actions toolbar give you options to work with the sections and text blocks in a template.
The Editing toolbar gives you options to format the text within the text blocks.
The following table lists the options provided by the various toolbars:
Toolbar |
Options Provided |
Side toolbar |
Actions toolbar |
Editing toolbar |
You can identify a template or text block using the unique ID that is assigned to it, when you create the template or text block. The ID is displayed next to the name of the template or text block.
Version |
Revision |
A new version of the template or text block is created, when you want to make major changes to the content due to changes in business or legal requirements, changes in government laws, and so on. Only one active draft version can exist at any given time. To create a new version of a template, choose the To create a new version of a text block, choose the Create New Draft Version option in in-line mode or Save as > New Version option in standalone mode. |
Each revision of a template or text block is a snapshot of the changes made at that point in time. To create a new revision of a template or text block, choose the Save option. |
Auto Save |
Save |
Every change you make in the draft version of the template or text block is immediately auto-saved. Note that, this is a temporary save. If you accidentally exit the template or text block and open it again, you can choose to recover the changes or cancel them. No new version or revision containing the changes is created. |
This is a permanent save. |
See the following topics in the User Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Enterprise Contract Assembly:
Restoring an Older Version or Revision of a Template
Restoring an Older Version or Revision of a Text Block
Approving and Releasing a Template
When you send a template or text block for approval, anybody who has access to it can approve it.
Status |
Description |
Sent for approval |
Indicates the template or text block is sent to the approver for checking and approving it. |
Approved |
Indicates the approver has checked the template or text block and approved it. It does not contain any errors. |
Released |
Indicates the template or text block is approved and its validity period has started. |
Expired |
Indicates the validity period of the template or text block is over, or the Valid To date has been crossed. |
Replaced |
Indicates a new draft version or revision of the template or text block is available. |
Archived |
Indicates the template or text block version has been deprecated and is no longer active. |
Revision Needed |
The template goes to this status if one or more text blocks included in a template go through one of the following scenarios:
Active |
Refers to templates that are in Draft, Approved, Sent for Approval, and Released statuses |
Approved |
Released |
A template that is in Draft status is checked for the following conditions:
If there are no errors, it is approved. This indicates that the template is ready to be used, but the validity period of the template has not yet started. |
If a template is in Approved status, and the validity period has started, it is released. This indicates that the template can now be used to assemble virtual documents. |
For example, changes in tax laws, payment terms, and so on, can be incorporated in a new version of the template or text block.
When you archive a template, it is no longer available for active use. You cannot choose an archived template to create a virtual document. But the template is still available in the system in Archived status.
To use an archived template again, open the template and choose Reopen from the template header. A new version of the template is created in Draft status.
Archiving a template or text block means it is no longer available for active use. Choose Archive to temporarily deactivate a template or text block.
To use an archived object again, open it and choose Reopen from the header. A new version is created in Draft status.
Deleting a template or text block removes it permanently from the system. The deleted object cannot be retrieved again.
You can use the Notes feature to add notes or instructions to a template or text block.
For more information about adding notes, see the following topics in the User Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Enterprise Contract Assembly:
Creating Notes for Templates
Creating Notes for Text Blocks
Currently, this functionality is not available.
You cannot create a new content type in Enterprise Contract Assembly. The content types that are created in Enterprise Contract Management, are replicated to Enterprise Contract Assembly and used here.
Only newly created content types are replicated. Changes to existing content types or deletion of content types are not replicated.
After creating new content types in the connected Enterprise Contract Management
system, you must define authorizations for these content types in the Configure Authorizations app in Enterprise Contract Assembly.
Users can then view the content types in the Manage Legal Templates app based on the defined authorizations.
No. Changes made to the downloaded template are only available offline and cannot be exported back to the system.
In the Manage Legal Templates app, open the required template or text block and choose Version History from the toolbar.
You can view the version history of a template or text block and restore an older version or revision.
Currently, this functionality is not available.
The template or text block you want to edit is locked by another user. You can see the Edit button after the template or text block is released by the other user.
Yes. The back navigation in the title bar works differently from the back navigation in the browser.
When you choose the back button (<) on any given screen, you will be taken back to the main object page.
For example, when you open a text block in standalone mode and choose Version History. Then you navigate through multiple versions from the version history. Now, if you choose the back button (<), you will be taken back to the main page where you selected the Version History option.
In the Manage Legal Templates app, open a template and choose Delete from the template header.
Note that you cannot recover a template, once it is deleted.
Text Blocks
See the following topic in the User Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Enterprise Contract Assembly:
No. You cannot copy a text block and use it to create a new text block. You can save a new version or a new variant of the existing text block.
To replace a text block with a different one, remove it from the template and insert the new text block. For more information, see the following topics in the User Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Enterprise Contract Assembly:
Removing a Text Block or Section from a Template
Inserting a Text Block into a Template
You can also replace a text block with its variant.
For more information, see Switching Between Variants of a Text Block.
Currently, it is only possible to view the number of templates in which a text block is used.
In the Manage Legal Templates app, you can view this number in in-line mode or standalone mode:
In-line Mode:
1. Open a template
2. Choose the properties icon on the left side of the screen to open the Properties
2. Select a text block within the template and check the Used In Templates
property in the Properties tab.
Standalone Mode:
1. Open a template and choose Show Library. The Text Block Library
pane appears on the right side of your screen.
2. Search and locate the required text block from the available list. Click the text block title to open the text block in a new page.
3. Choose the properties icon on the left side of the screen to open the Properties tab.
Check the Used In Templates property in the Properties tab.
No. After you create a new version of a text block, when you edit a template containing an older version of the text block and select that text block, you will be notified that a new version now exists. You can then choose to see a preview of the new version or use it directly in your template.
This must be repeated for all the templates where the text block is used.
You can work with text blocks in two different modes, as follows:
- In-line mode: Editing a template and making changes to the text block within the template view.
- Standalone mode: Accessing the text block from the Text Block Library
and making changes to it.
You can perform the following actions on a text block in in-line mode:
- Create a new version
- Create a new variant
- Send for Approval
- Approve and Release
- Archive
- Remove text block from template
- Add notes
- Change properties
- Create and manage conditions
- Assign and manage alternatives
You can perform the following actions on a text block in standalone mode:
- Save as a new version
- Save as a new variant
- Send for Approval
- Approve and Release
- Archive
- Restore an older version or revision
- Delete text block from text block library
- Change properties
Text Block |
Section |
A text block is a passage of text in a template or a document with a specific meaning. For example, a text block can include content related to taxes. Templates contain a combination of text blocks and their variants. |
A section contains a title followed by a collection of text blocks. It enables you to group together text blocks that contain related content. For example, your template or document can have a section called "Terms & Conditions" that includes different text blocks related to payment terms. |
Text Block |
Clause |
Passage of text in a template with a specific meaning. Templates consist of combinations of text blocks and their variants. Text blocks can be of different types, namely, clauses and signature blocks. |
A type of text block that clarifies, defines, or explains the legal subject matter of a template or document. Clauses are the basic elements of an assembled virtual document. Clauses enable legal counsels to organize virtual document content in blocks of text that can be moved and exchanged. |
You cannot insert content directly into a section. It can contain only a title followed by one or more text blocks.
You must insert the required content into a text block, which you can then include in the section.
You cannot edit a text block if it is in Replaced, Archived, Released or Expired statuses.
In such cases, choose the corresponding option depending on the status:
Text Block Status |
Required Steps |
Replaced |
Choose Restore This Version. |
Archived |
Choose Reopen. |
Released |
Choose Edit. |
Expired |
Choose Extend Validity. |
Text Block Version |
Text Block Variant |
You can create a new version of a text block, when you want to make major changes to the content due to changes in business or legal requirements, changes in government laws, and so on. |
You can create variants of an existing text block to reuse it in different business scenarios. |
See the following topics in the User Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Enterprise Contract Assembly:
(In-line Mode) Approving and Releasing a Text Block
(Standalone Mode) Approving and Releasing a Text Block
Approved |
Released |
A text block that is in Draft status is checked for the following conditions:
If there are no errors, it is approved. This indicates that the text block is ready to be used, but the validity period of the text block has not yet started. |
If a text block is in Approved status, and the validity period has started, it is released. This indicates that the text block can be inserted into templates. |
You can create variants of an existing text block to reuse it in different business scenarios. You can maintain the variants of a text block as a set of related text blocks. The text block and its variants can be used in any template.
For example, you can have variants for region-specific requirements. The source text block can contain text common to all the regions. Each variant can contain the common text along with changes specific to a region. Similarly, you can create variants of a text block for multiple languages.
Text blocks support the use of input fields within the content. Input fields are placeholders for which values can be entered by the user in the virtual document after the document is generated.
For more information about inserting input fields within a text block, see the following topic in the User Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Enterprise Contract Assembly:
Text blocks support the use of variables within the content. Variables are placeholders for which values are auto-populated based on the values maintained in SAP S/4HANA for enterprise contract management. The values will be populated when the virtual document is assembled. To know how to insert variables within a text block, see the following topic in the User Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Enterprise Contract Assembly:
You can use the pagination setting to customize the number of text blocks that will be displayed per page.
All available clauses are stored in a single library, namely, the Text Block library.
Within the library, you can use the different criteria to search and filter clauses based on different contract types.
The message to recover unsaved changes will be displayed, only when there is a difference in the content between the text block revisions opened in inline mode and standalone mode. If the text block is first edited in inline mode, the changes are recovered in standalone mode, and the user returns back to the same template in inline mode, the message is not displayed. This is because the changes are already available in the inline mode.
There are two ways to edit the text block:
- Create a variant of the original text block and make your changes.
For information about creating variants, see the following topics:
(In-line Mode) Creating a Variant of a Text Block
(Standalone Mode) Creating a Variant of a Text Block
- Refresh the page until the text block is released and available for editing
1. Open a template and choose Edit.
2. Now, scroll through the template and check each text block.
The text blocks that have changed will be grayed out. Each text block will also display a message indicating that the text block has changed, and include the action needed to update the text block.
When a text block is open for editing in inline mode, go to the Text Block Library, and open it in standalone mode.
- If the text block is opened within the same tab, just choose Edit and start editing the text block.
- If the text block is opened in a new tab, choosing Edit will display a message about acquiring the lock for the text block. Choose Unlock.
You can now start editing the text block.
Text Block |
When is it |
Variants |
After you save variant and source text block |
Status |
After the first save of the draft text block |
Used In |
After you save the templates that use the text block |
- Also, in a template’s Version History pane, only the template status is displayed. The status of the text blocks included in the template is not displayed here.
- In a text block’s Version History pane, only the text block status is displayed. The status of the text block’s variants is not displayed here.
No. Multiple versions cannot be maintained for a condition. At any point in time, you can only see the condition with the latest changes.
Open the required template and go to the version history. Open the version of the template used for creating the contract and check the corresponding condition.
No. We cannot define validity dates for conditions.
Conditions and alternatives can be defined for a text block only when the text block is included as part of a template.
Now, assume that a document contains a text block called TB2.
A condition has been defined for TB2, wherein, if the condition is executed successfully, TB2 will be replaced with TB5. There are no alternatives defined for TB5.
TB2 also contains two alternatives, namely, ALT1 and ALT2. There are no conditions defined for ALT1 or ALT2.
Scenario 1:
When the virtual document is getting generated, the condition is executed successfully and TB2 is replaced with TB5. Since no alternatives are defined for TB5, the alternatives scenario is not applicable here.
Scenario 2:
When the virtual document is getting generated, the condition is not executed successfully and TB2 remains in the document. Now, TB2 can be switched with either ALT1 or ALT2.
Scenario 3:
When the virtual document is getting generated, the condition is not executed successfully and TB2 remains in the document. It is switched with ALT1. Now the document is refreshed. ALT1 remains in the document and will not be replaced by any other text block, since no condition is defined for it.
You can use simple variables or category variables or a combination of both in conditions.
Both conditions and alternatives allow you to replace the original text blocks existing in the template with other text blocks as per your requirement.
A condition enables you to automatically replace a text block. Within the template, you can define conditions for the text blocks. When you create or refresh a virtual document, the conditions defined for the text blocks in the template will be executed. If a condition is met, the text block that is originally in the template will be replaced with the text block specified in that condition. Otherwise, the original text block remains in the document.
An alternative enables you to manually replace a text block with one of its alternative text blocks. In the template, a text block can be assigned one or more alternatives along with the risk level. After you create or refresh a virtual document, you can manually switch the text block that is originally in the template with one of its assigned alternatives.
All means AND.
Every expression defined in the expression block must be true.
Any means OR.
At least one expression defined in the expression block must be true.
Operator |
What it indicates? |
Is equal to |
The variable value received from backend must be identical to the value defined in the expression, for the expression to be true. |
Is not equal to |
The variable value received from backend must be different from the value defined in the expression, for the expression to be true. |
Is greater than |
The variable value received from backend must be more than the value defined in the expression, for the expression to be true. |
Is less than |
The variable value received from backend must be lower than the value defined in the expression, for the expression to be true. |
Is greater than or equal to |
The variable value received from backend must be more than the value defined in the expression or identical to it, for the expression to be true. |
Is less than or equal to |
The variable value received from backend must be lower than the value defined in the expression or identical to it, for the expression to be true. |
contains any |
The variable values received from backend must include at least one of the values defined in the expression, for the expression to be true. |
contains only |
The variable values received from backend must be identical to the values defined in the expression, for the expression to be true. |
contains all |
The variable values received from backend must include all the values defined in the expression, for the expression to be true. |
Text Block Variant |
Text Block Alternative |
Configure Clause Types App
From the launchpad, use the Configure Clause Types app.To know more, see the following topic in the Administration Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Enterprise Contract Assembly:
Virtual Documents
Status |
Description |
Pending |
Indicates that some input fields or variables in the virtual document are empty. |
Error |
Indicates that some variables in the virtual document are empty. |
Completed |
Indicates that all the input fields contain values and all the variables are updated correctly. |
Conditions and alternatives can be defined for a text block only when the text block is included as part of a template.
Now, assume that a document contains a text block called TB2.
A condition has been defined for TB2, wherein, if the condition is executed successfully, TB2 will be replaced with TB5. There are no alternatives defined for TB5.
TB2 also contains two alternatives, namely, ALT1 and ALT2. There are no conditions defined for ALT1 or ALT2.
Scenario 1:
When the virtual document is getting generated, the condition is executed successfully and TB2 is replaced with TB5. Since no alternatives are defined for TB5, the alternatives scenario is not applicable here.
Scenario 2:
When the virtual document is getting generated, the condition is not executed successfully and TB2 remains in the document. Now, TB2 can be switched with either ALT1 or ALT2.
Scenario 3:
When the virtual document is getting generated, the condition is not executed successfully and TB2 remains in the document. It is switched with ALT1. Now the document is refreshed. ALT1 remains in the document and will not be replaced by any other text block, since no condition is defined for it.