On-Premise to SaaS

Welcome to your journey from on-premise to SaaS! On this page, we will provide information that will help and guide you through your journey to transition from on-premise to SaaS.

SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub Global Search Filters

Author: Evelina Krumova

Searching for the right information can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially when dealing with large data sets across different geographies and business units. With the January 2023 release we are excited to introduce Global search filters: an SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub feature that improves the navigation and performance of your searches.

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Self-guided Migration from On-premises to Software-as-a-Service with SAP Signavio

Author: Carmen Eliescu

After exploring how to move from On-premises to Software-as-a-Service with SAP Signavio, in this blog, we will explain how you can migrate from the On-Premises to the new Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Edition of SAP Signavio solutions by using the self-guided SAP Signavio Archive (SGX).  

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Move from On-Premises to Software-as-a-Service gets real with 1&1 and SAP Signavio

Author: Martin Petry

We embarked on a 6-month journey to migrate all our SAP Signavio products from On-Premises to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). As our experience was highly positive, we decided to share our main challenges, lessons learned, and outcomes post-migration in this blog post.

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How to move from On-premises to Software-as-a-Service with SAP Signavio?

Author: Samuel Bianchi

After deep-diving into why SaaS is better and getting familiar with the top features of the new SAP Signavio Collaboration Hub, let’s look into your migration options to move from your On-premises SAP Signavio Process Transformation Suite to the new Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) edition.

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Bring team collaboration to the next level with the new SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub

Author: Evelina Krumova

When migrating from SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub Classic version to the new SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub (SaaS), customers can benefit from more advanced collaboration tools that allow them to control and customize users’ access at individual levels across the entire business.

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Software-as-a-Service vs. On-premises Software: Why SaaS is better

Author: Dee Houchen

“To SaaS or not to SaaS?” IT market analysts agree that SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) is the future of software delivery. SaaS and in general cloud-enabled applications had been gaining momentum well before the pandemic hit, and with Covid-19 as the ultimate accelerator, they have been experiencing unparalleled growth over the last few years.

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